Top 13 Green Flags in Men That Prove He’s a Keeper!

Updated On:

Aug 29, 2024

Wondering if he’s the real deal? Check out these 13 green flags in men that signal he’s worth holding onto!

Green Flags in Men

Ever looked at your phone and felt a wave of dread at the thought of another bad date?

I’ve been there. Ghosted. Lied to. Disappointed. Again and again.

Then I met Ankit. Four years ago, he walked into my life and turned everything I knew about relationships upside down. How? By showing me what a good man actually looks like.

In reality, we’re so busy looking for red flags, we miss the green ones. You know, those little signs that make you think, “Wait, is this what it’s supposed to feel like?”

In this post, you’ll get to know the 13 green flags in men. These aren’t just random tips – they’re real experiences that turned my dating nightmare into a dream come true (and can turn yours too).

Thinking all the good guys are taken? Hang on. This might just restore your faith in love. 😊

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1. He’s a Great Communicator. 

A guy who's a great communicator, talking to a girl.

Hands down, being a great communicator is the best quality in any human being. It’s the greenest flag if he doesn’t suck at communicating.

  • He’s busy with a meeting and can’t text you back. Your handset will beep with a message: “I’ll be a little occupied today with office work. I’ll text you back immediately when I am free.” 
  • He sees you long-term. You’ll hear things like, “You’re important to me, and I am manifesting for us to be together in the future.” 
  •  Is he upset at your behavior? He’ll let you know instead of beating around the bush and pretending to ignore: “I didn’t like how you talked to me yesterday. I’m a bit disappointed.”

So you see, not only is he an excellent communicator, but he is honest too. He’s neither into playing games nor sending you mixed signals. He’s clearly vocal about what’s happening inside him or what he wants for the future. 

2. He Takes a Genuine Interest in You. 

If he shows genuine interest in you and you feel you belong in his company, know for sure that he’s a keeper. 

Now, here’s what I mean when I say genuine interest:

  • When you share something with him, the guy has engaging body language and responds to it.
  • He asks you many questions about your personality, favorites, the last series/movie you watched, things you love doing, your plans for the weekend, and so on. 
  • The guy is an attentive memorizer and remembers every little detail you shared with them even though you forgot it yourself. 

That’s precisely what GREEN FLAGS look like. Clear, transparent, and beautiful! 

Do you relate to these gestures with the guy? If yes, fantastic! You are on the right track, sweetie! 

3. He Treats Everyone With Kindness. 

A guy playing with two dogs and a little girl.

Think about it. Would you prefer being with someone who treats you like a queen but is outrageous with people around him? I’m sure you won’t because that signifies a fake, trash character. 

Then what looks like a green flag in the guy? 

It’s when he treats people around him with empathy and kindness. He’s not deaf to other’s problems and treats people close to you with love and respect. Imagine if he’s being so good with others; wouldn’t he treat you incredibly? 

These traits show his credibility. Being a kind human in this world filled with indifference and bias takes a big heart. He has won in life if he achieved that feat.

4. He Isn’t Afraid to Show You to the World.

Trust me. I have seen way too many guys who are in committed relationships but never speak it out loud just to have side chicks

Be it having casual fun aside or simply not willing to disclose the relationship, I count it as a major red flag when men pressure their women to keep it a secret. There’s a lot of difference between holding things private and maintaining them as a secret. 

So, if a guy doesn’t step back from being vocal about you and is comfortable letting friends and acquaintances know you’re dating, that’s a big green flag. 

5. He Celebrates Your Success and Happiness.

A happy girl and a guy celebrating success.

Please note how the guy reacts when you achieve something, whether it’s a small accomplishment or a huge one. Is he cold with zero excitement, or does he go mad in excitement and congratulate you? 

It is the best quality in my partner Ankit, which has made me fall in love with him. Be it as big as landing a new project or as small as cooking a new dish; he never failed to show how happy he was for every step I took toward my goals and every move I made for my happiness. 

If you ever relate this thing with a guy, go for him, girl!

Psst psst… Well, I’m sorry to disturb you while reading but I just couldn’t resist sharing this with you.

So, a lot of my female friends have had success finding amazing guys through eharmony. I won’t say it’s foolproof but it’s definitely worth a shot. It’s kind of a premium dating website, hence the matches don’t suck, and you actually get people seeking serious relationship.

I’d say just try their fun quiz and create a free account. You won’t regret it!

PS: eharmony was ranked America’s #1 trusted dating app in 2022.

6. He Never Gaslights You. 

Gaslighting could leave your mental health at stake, and you might be left questioning your self-worth. So, you must notice whether your partner has a gaslighting tendency or takes your concerns seriously. 

How does the guy react when you communicate a particular problem or tell him that one of his behaviors upset you? If he responds in the following way rather than making you feel guilty for complaining, it’s a huge green flag.

  • “I’m sorry that I made you feel that way. Let’s catch up and discuss this issue immediately.” 
  • “I had no idea you were going through that. Please let me help you with that.” 
  • “My apologies for the behavior that hurt you yesterday. I’ll take care of it going ahead. Let me compensate for the same by taking you out for lunch.” 

What could be more attractive than a guy accepting his mistake and willing to work on it? 

7. He Is Thoughtful With His Gifts.

A guy giving gifts to his girl.

Now, what do I mean by being thoughtful?

Suppose you’re into classical music, and he gifts you a mug with your favorite classical music star’s picture printed on it. You’ll be thrilled, right?

However, if he had given you the same mug with a pop singer’s picture, you wouldn’t have enjoyed it that much!

His thoughtfulness about you and the people close to him depicts that he pays attention to the little details and values the feelings of his dear ones. So, he chooses a gift or does the actions carefully, not just for the sake of it! 

That’s a quality only a few can master!

8. He Never Pressures You to Do Things Against Your Will. 

Whether it’s not forcing you to change your fashion sense, not compelling you to fit into a culture you dislike, or not pressuring you to get physical with him – if the guy always respects your decisions and boundaries, that’s the greenest of all green flags!

A gentleman won’t ever create a scene to make his girl embarrassed or won’t ever pressure her to give in to explicit/absurd requests. I’ve heard a few men saying the following things to their girls because they weren’t willing to agree to ‘uncomfortable’ requests. 

“Come on! I can’t believe you’re so prude!”
“Why can’t we get physical? Do you love me, or is it all a show?”
“I hate that you don’t like clubbing! It’s so much fun.” 

There’s no shame in clubbing or establishing a physical relationship with your partner with mutual consent. But it’s also okay if you’re not comfortable with the same. 

If he’s the right guy, he won’t ever overstep or blame you for being hesitant and shall give you the time you need. 

9. He Asks for Your Opinions. 

No, don’t get it wrong; that doesn’t signify he has a weak personality or isn’t good enough to make decisions. But it’s his way of making you feel you belong in his life. 

We have spent 4 years together, yet Ankit always seeks my opinion. I love that he always shows me how much I matter to him, and I try to reciprocate his gestures, too. 

Well, I won’t bomb you here with my love life details. My main point is that if the guy discusses his personal matters with you, is ready to be vulnerable before you, and asks for suggestions on different issues, he is affectionate. 

Wouldn’t you love being around such a person? 

10. He Plans Dates. 

A girl and a guy on a date sitting besides a river.

Every other quality is fine, but taking the time to plan dates? Ohhh Myyy Goddd, that’s so romantic and such a top-tier green flag! 

He doesn’t wait for you to make a plan; instead, he takes the initiative and asks you out. 

He makes time for you, considers whether the place falls into your favorites, and makes arrangements that put a sweet smile on your face. It reflects his interest in how much he loves being with you and always makes time for his lady from his schedule. 

You see, sweetie, developing a healthy relationship requires you to spend time together. Without it, it gets tough to know each other well. So, if you find a guy putting in that effort to keep things great between you two, he deserves an applause! 

11. He is Not a ‘Puppet.’

Now, this one’s very important to consider. You can count it as another green flag in a guy if he’s not always affirmative to what you say just to please you. Long thing short: he isn’t hesitant to speak his own opinions. 

Someone who says yes to everything you speak, to every opinion you have, to every action you ask him to do, is a mere puppet in the hands of his ladylove. 

On the other hand, someone with a strong character will convey their perceptions or won’t step back to disagree in some cases. And it’s not just with you but everyone around; the guy will hate being a “people-pleaser.” 

Trust me, my dear. It’s way more attractive to date a confident man than an insecure boy. 

12. He Doesn’t Shame His Ex. 

This one’s really underrated but definitely a green flag…

It’s quite known how ex-partners don’t step back from shaming each other, be it with friends or on social media. After a breakup, things can get hurtful or frustrating, but shaming your ex doesn’t feel good. 

If he doesn’t do such things and chooses to keep a decent line while speaking about his ex, he’s one of the best men you can find in the entire universe. 

  • “It was tough between us, and it didn’t work out. Well, I have left it in the past.” 
  • “We didn’t make it through everything, which hurt that time. But we are both doing fine in our lives right now.”
  • “Few things are not meant to be in life; I have accepted them and moved on.” 

You’ll only hear such statement from his mouth.

I’m not saying he will speak tons of praise for his ex, but he won’t make nasty comments, either. He will choose to keep it respectful and decent. 

13. He Has His Own Life Too. 

As much as you’re important to him, he prioritizes his life, too. His world doesn’t revolve around only you (obsessiveness isn’t good in a relationship). He hangs out with his buddies, has time for his family, and devotes time to his work/studies. 

The icing on the cake is that he’s ‘cool’ with you having your recreational activities, too, like going out with friends, hitting the theatres, etc. If you know him to be exactly like this, that’s another green flag! 

It suggests he loves his life (or at least tries to) and has work to do rather than simply tagging along with his girl. That’s healthy, awesome, and one of the finest qualities he could have as a human! 

Wrapping Up

With that said, it’s time to wind up this post.

Here’s the truth: great men aren’t unicorns. They exist, and now you know what to look for.

Remember, it’s not about finding perfection. It’s about recognizing those small, powerful signs of a good heart and a mature mind.

So the next time you’re on a date, keep an eye out for these green flags. They might just lead you to your own love story.

And if you’ve already found someone who ticks these boxes? Congratulate yourself. You’ve struck gold.

See ya in the next one!




Mohar Bhattacharjee

Mohar, a Master’s student in Comparative Literature from Kolkata, has been a digital content writer since 2019.

With over 4 years of experience, she creates practical and relatable guides on relationships, dating, and self-help, drawing from her personal experiences. Mohar ensures her content is accurate and insightful by incorporating real-life examples.

In her free time, you can catch her watching cricket, some romantic Bollywood movies or taking a power nap.


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