11 Surprising Signs Your Karmic Relationship is Finally Ending

Updated On:

Nov 19, 2024

Feeling stuck in a rollercoaster relationship? Discover 11 telltale signs that your karmic connection might be coming to an end.

An illustrated image shows a man and woman standing back-to-back with a broken heart in the background, along with the text "Signs A Karmic Relationship is Ending".

“They were so happy; what happened to them?”

Ever heard this dialogue?

Well, I have said this to someone very recently.

Let me tell you a story. I can’t judge if it is a good or bad one, but it sure is related to this topic.

I had a friend in college. She was a bubbly, sweet, and outgoing person.

She was in love with a guy, and they were a power couple. They always looked so happy and were literally ‘made-for-each-other’ type.

They used to fight a lot, but they also loved a lot. Both the extremities balanced it all out, and they always stuck around even after all the bad times and timings. But even after everything, they suddenly broke up over a really small issue one day.

When I asked my friend, she replied in one simple sentence: “If we’re meant to be together, we will be. I know this was bound to happen; this was my Karma for falling in love with him while already being with someone else…”

Now, I have always known that our Karma is a real thing, but this was the first time I had heard about a karmic relationship. 

What is a Karmic Relationship?

Karmic relationships are those relationships that look extremely lively and happy and are too good to be true in the beginning. But, as suddenly as they start, they stop as well.

A lot of people even say that karmic relationships teach you lessons for life. It isn’t always the reality that they end up separating, but it most often is. 

Sometimes, people even get back together after breaking up once if their Karma is cleansed.

So, how can you identify that your karmic relationship is coming to an end?

These 9 Signs Convey Your Karmic Relationship Is Reaching Its Final Chapter

1. You Can’t Say No To Drama

The illustrated image depicts a couple arguing intensely, with the woman gesturing angrily at the man. It has a large text that reads "You Can't Say No To Drama" alongside it.

As I mentioned before, karmic relationships are nothing short of extremities. If there’s extreme love, there will also be extreme fights.

So, one of the most significant signs of a karmic relationship ending is having constant and unnecessary arguments.

But wait… don’t think of it otherwise. Arguments and drama are a part of every relationship (truth be told, I sometimes just stir up drama whenever I feel the spark is missing. We gotta keep this between us! 😉).

However, when you are constantly fighting with each other without a break, that is one of the multiple signs that a karmic relationship is ending.

2. You Know The Priority

And the priority is you.

When the karmic pattern in your relationship is coming to an end, you will feel a sense of security and comfort within yourself. You will start prioritizing yourself over your partner. Your happiness will always come first, and theirs or anyone else’s might be secondary. 

You’ll realize that you come first and you should’ve always come first.

Let me tell you why it happens.

It is because you’re always fixated on your partner in a karmic relationship. You think you cannot live without them and keep questioning your worth internally. But, when the karmic pattern of your relationship ends, your partner stops being your need and starts being your desire.

You no longer project your inner dissatisfaction and are so secure in yourself that you know in your heart that what’s yours is already with you.

3. The Presence of a Third Energy

The illustration shows the silhouettes of three people against a starry night sky background, with the text "The Presence of a Third Energy" above.

The third energy often comes in when a karmic connection is about to finish.

Now, by third energy, I do not mean that it will necessarily be a third person entering between you two. It could be a person, a situation, or even some realization inside you that acts like a bomb in the usual dynamics of your interaction with each other.

There may not always be an energy present physically, but sometimes it is more in the form of a shift in your emotional responses, a change in priorities, or the knowing that comes from understanding that something has changed at its core.

You might feel a certain nagging within you that tells you this might end soon (this is what happened in my case). 

In other words, the Universe seems to create these gentle, or indeed dramatic, nudges to let you know that a certain journey together has served its purpose.

4. Hate Starts Taking Over

Even a very simple thing that comes out of their mouth can trigger you and piss you off more than anyone and anything.

How do I know this? Because my own previous relationship was karmic, and when I tell you that increased resentment is no exaggeration, I mean it.

You overthink everything. Old things start resurfacing, including unresolved issues and traumas. Basically, your mind keeps giving you excuses to fuel the resentment way further.

You know how when a mirror breaks, no matter how much you try to put it together the cracks will always be there? That is precisely what happens. You try to make it work, but the increasing resentment doesn’t let you do so.

This resentment doesn’t settle with time. It will only end when the karmic pattern breaks or the relationship itself comes to an end.

5. Your Growth Graph Gets Negative

An illustration of a frustrated woman with her arms crossed is shown, along with text stating "Your Growth Graph Gets Negative", indicating that personal growth may be hindered or regressing.

One of the most important things we all forget is that once you are in a relationship, you still need to work on yourself and ensure you do not lose your individuality.

In a karmic relationship, you become so obsessed with your partner that you become a talk of the past for yourself. Everything becomes about them and is centered around them.

You’re so concerned about where they are, with whom they are, and other negative thoughts that your own personal growth goes in shambles. You start spending lesser and lesser time with yourself or taking care of yourself. You do not focus on your goals and simply start detaching from who you were before you met them.

6. Red Flags? What Are They?

Yep. You look at life with rose-colored glasses (of course) because you want to believe that your partner is the perfect version of everything you have ever wanted.

They gave you everything. If you’re an anxious person, they catered to your anxiety; if you love big gestures, they went all out. They cooked and cleaned and got your favorite ice cream; oh shoot! They also brought you flowers, that too randomly.

Now, when so much is happening, how can you call them out on things you do not like? Things that are seemingly red flags? What if it pisses them off? What if they go away?

“Oh no, they mustn’t be that bad, right? Maybe it is just a one-time thing.”

You keep giving yourself reasons till one day, you cannot anymore.

7. Communication Breaks Down

An illustrated image shows a couple looking at each other with lightning striking between them, along with the text "Communication Breaks Down"

When a karmic relationship is coming to an end, often one of the first signals is strained or just plain broken communication.

When my relationship was getting rocky, this was one of the significant signs that looked me in the eye deeply. We talked, but there wasn’t anything to talk about, you getting me? 

He’d call, and we’d try to talk but could never communicate. The constant flow of conversation that was once there eventually turned into awkward silences, misunderstandings, or avoidance. 

There came a point when I felt it was better not to talk and disturb my own peace (it was terrible). 

This can be very painful, but it is often a sign that it is time for both parties to move on. In my case, trying to communicate seemed like speaking a different language. Hence, we decided to just halt it there.

8. The Purpose Is Served

Once you reach a particular stage in your relationship, where your intuition tells you that something is off and there might be no cure, you start to feel a sense of completion.

You will feel as if the relationship did what it was supposed to do, and it’s time to move forward. This doesn’t mean there’s no hurt or sadness, but just a deep understanding that the relationship has run its course. 

In my case, this feeling was bittersweet, but it came with peace. I knew there wasn’t much love, yet I kept holding on. I didn’t have it in me to let go and accept. 

9. Less Emotional Attachment

A colorful digital illustration depicts a man and woman in a close, emotional embrace with a fiery background and the text "Less Emotional Attachment".

One thing about me is that I am an extremely emotional person. I feel everything in my extremities anyway, and so did I with my partner.

I was always so invested in telling him about the minute details of my life—what I ate, what I did, and how many times I breathed (no, really)! This is because I had an extreme emotional attachment to him.

Soon, with the increasing fights and arguments, I realized that my emotional attachment to the other person began to get erased. I knew at that point that my karmic relationship might be ending.

The feeling would be that you no longer attach the same level of intensity or longing to the relationship as before. This can often indicate that you are finally ready to let go and move on. 

For me, this detachment process has been, at times, very freeing and, at other times, very challenging. When you think about it in a way of all the good times you’ve spent, it is definitely difficult, but when you remind yourself that there is nothing left, it feels peaceful as well.

The End of My Own Relationship (This Has 2 More Karmic Ending Signs)

I read this piece by Dr. Jennifer Jacobsen:

In a healthy relationship, the purpose of communicating or addressing conflict is not to win or be right. Rather, it is to develop a deeper understanding for each other and reach an agreement. 
If conflict is full of insults and attempts to prove the other person wrong, this is a sign something is amiss.

After reading this, I realized that my relationship was far from healthy. Amongst us, the fight was always about who is right and who is wrong, even though we consciously used to tell each other not to do it.

Although I always knew we were meant to be together. This, too, is a big telltale of a karmic relationship. You just know in your gut if it is meant to be or not, if it is right for you or not. I always knew we were meant to be; hence, I let us stay there when we were in shambles. 

We broke up, and with that breakup, our karmic pattern also came to an end.

I had detached myself mentally and emotionally already, so it actually did not come to me as a shock or even as something I wasn’t able to cope with. This is another sign of a karmic relationship ending. You just detach yourself before actually separating.

I focused on myself, became more goal-oriented, barely gave my partner a thought, and just became a better version of myself. I learned a lot about myself. Guess what? We got back together and stronger this time.


See, I am no relationship expert (God forbid, I am not even close!), neither do I ever want to be one. But if there’s one thing I have learned, it is that if something happens, just let it happen. If things are going south, there is no reason to hold on.

When a karmic relationship ends, it is usually for your own good. And if you’re actually meant to be together, you will surely come back together, minus the toxicity.

The end of a karmic relationship might change you for the better, and you might catch yourself thanking the Universe for making it happen.

So, if it does happen, let it.



Anushka Mishra

Anushka Mishra

Anushka is a seasoned writer with over 5 years of experience. She has collaborated with top brands like boAt, Apple, and Amazon.

Anushka began her spiritual and self-love journey after reading the book “40 Rules of Love.” This book pushed her to dive into finding herself and put her thoughts out for the world to read in that process.

She loves connecting with people who have faced similar struggles, such as heartbreaks, challenges, and broken friendships in order to grow.

When she’s not writing, you’ll find her chatting about her cat, dancing, or enjoying life outside her room onceย inย aย blueย moon.


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