10 Subtle Ways to Make a Man Want You Bad (No Games!)

Updated On:

Nov 26, 2024

Looking to turn up the heat with that special guy? Learn 10 simple ways to make him chase you without playing games.

How to make a man want you bad?

Key Takeaways

  • Being authentically yourself attracts him more than any “perfect” version you try to be.
  • Small, genuine gestures matter more than grand romantic moves.
  • Keep living your own life. A man should add to your story, not become your whole story.
  • A sexy personality outweighs any physical attributes.
  • Showing that you value him doesn’t mean losing your own voice or opinions.
  • Your peace of mind comes first. So, if he’s not matching your energy, it’s okay to step back.

Let me guess… you like this guy but his mixed signals are driving you crazy. Trust me, I’ve been there.

When I first met Ankit, we clicked instantly. The chemistry was there, but his hot-and-cold behavior was frustrating. Instead of giving up, I decided to work on myself and our connection.

Today? We’re happily together, and I’m here to share what actually worked. No mind games, no manipulation… just real, honest ways to build a genuine connection.

Let’s get straight to the 10 practical tips that could change your love story, just like they changed mine.

🤍 Reality Check

Are you currently…

Let’s turn this around!

How to Make Him Chase You? 10 Tips

1. Be Real, Be Confident.

An illustration of a woman looking in a mirror at her reflection showing a more confident version with text "You Can Do It!" and "BE REAL, Be Confident"

No guy will genuinely like you if you don’t even like yourself first. And trying to fake it? That’s even worse. Men can sense pretense from miles away, and nothing pushes them away faster than a woman who’s trying to be someone she’s not.

What actually draws them in is your authentic self, your honest opinions, and your natural reactions.[1] That’s what creates genuine attraction.

During my early days with Ankit, I was trying too hard to be “perfect.” I’d carefully choose every word, overthink my responses, and hide my quirks. Why? Because I thought that’s what would make him like me more.

Then one day, I stopped. I started embracing my goofy laugh, spoke my mind during our conversations, and guess what? Ankit began opening up more. He later told me it was my true self, not pretension to be perfect that drew him closer.

So, here’s how you too can let your real self shine:

  • Start small conversations with him without overthinking.
  • Share your opinions, even if they differ from his.
  • Laugh freely, be yourself around him.
  • Focus on your achievements instead of your flaws.
  • Maintain eye contact when talking.

2. Laugh a Bit, Maybe?

When I think of my first few dates with Ankit, I remember how he’d light up every time I laughed at his jokes. And there’s real science behind this! Studies show that men are deeply attracted to women who appreciate their sense of humor.[2] It creates an instant connection.

I used to cover my laugh around Ankit because “a lady should giggle, not laugh”. But you know what? That loud laugh of mine became one of the things he loved the most. The day I stopped caring and let myself be free, our connection deepened. We started finding humor in everything, be it silly puns or random memes.

Being fun isn’t about faking laughter or trying to crack jokes all the time. Just let yourself be happy, don’t care too much about how you look when you laugh, and share what makes you smile. When you’re naturally joyful, your happiness will automatically attract him.

Don’t dim your light trying to look perfect.

3. FLIRT With Him.

A girl flirting with a guy.

Yes, you read it right. Even if you’re together, never stop flirting with the guy. Tease him sometimes and ask him playful questions to make it even more exciting.

Let me share a few examples 😊:

“Did I tell you that you’re the hottest man I’ve seen in my entire life?”
“Do you know you’re the best thing that has happened to me?”
“Do you know I love seeing you in black?”
“Did you know I couldn’t get my eyes off you at the party yesterday?”

Being a little playful towards a guy will make butterflies dance in his stomach. He’d love being treated this way and enjoy every bit of it. I’m having a broad smile as I write this, as I can’t help but think about the new ways to flirt with Ankit. 

When you’re together, throw him smiles often, lean towards him, and hold his arms. All these sweet and flirty gestures will make him happy and he won’t be able to stop thinking about you

✨ Quick Poll

What’s your signature flirting move?

4. Be Vocal About Your Feelings.

Okay, this is a bold move. But don’t worry, I’ll guide you through it. 

I’m not asking you to go straight to a guy and propose to him on your knees. Keep that for some other time 😉. 

What you can do now is let him softly know that you like his gestures. You like how he talks or does a particular thing.  Trust me. He would love to hear compliments from you.

I’d often compliment Ankit for his styling and appreciate his sense of humor. No, that didn’t happen in a day. It took me a while to get comfortable with him. When I started sensing his soft corner towards me, I became a little vocal about my thoughts and feelings.

“Does she like me?”
“Did she like what I did for her?” 
“Did she like my outfit?”

Questions like this are sure to pop up in his mind. Plus, there’s a high probability he’ll start thinking of other ways to impress you and be a part of your life. 

5. Let Him See Your Sexy Side. 

A girl showing her sexy personality.

Oh, that was quick! Did it get over your head? Just hold on, my dear. I’m taking about something different. 

We often mistake sexy as dirty or slutty but that isn’t what I’m talking about. Attracting a man doesn’t need you to share naked pictures or wear sexy clothes.

It simply requires having a sexy and wonderful personality. Yes, my dear. That’s what I meant. Sexy isn’t a shape; it’s an attitude, it’s a personality. A lot of men might have a crush on you but they value you only when you have a great personality. 

Now, what does such personality look like?

  • Be a woman of your word. Try not to deviate from what you say or promise.
  • Be kind. Studies show that kindness even outranks physical attractiveness.[3]
  • Don’t find lame excuses if you’re late for a meeting with him. Be honest. 
  • Don’t make exaggerated claims.
  • Be willing to say sorry if you’re wrong. 

With these traits, he can’t ignore you. He’ll crave you for the wonderful woman you are.

6. Live Your Own Life.

I have a lot of female friends who put their lives on hold when they start liking someone. Sure, he’s great – but your life shouldn’t revolve around him.

When I started talking with Ankit, I’d drop everything to reply to his texts. My hobbies? On hold. Girls’ night out? Rescheduled. Not only did I start losing myself, but our conversations became… boring. I had nothing new to share because I wasn’t doing anything else.

When I started focusing on my own interests again – my writing, my weekend pottery class, my friendships – something interesting happened. Our conversations became richer. He’d ask about my day with genuine curiosity, and I had actual stories to share. Plus, seeing me passionate about my own life made him more interested, not less.

The same will happen for you. When you’re busy chasing your dreams and pursuing your passions, he’ll feel lucky to be part of your exciting life, not responsible for creating it.

So, keep nurturing your interests, maintain your friendships, and pursue your goals. A healthy relationship adds to your life; it doesn’t become your whole life.

📝 Action Checklist

Check what you’ll focus on this week:

Fill it out, screenshot & save as your reminder!

7. Show Him that You Truly Value Him.

We all want attention from the person we love, don’t we? Similarly, the guy expects the same from you. Like women, men need attention and care too; they crave to feel valued and loved.

You can be a super confident woman with superb life goals. Great! But, if you’re always bragging about yourself in front of him and are too self-obsessed, he’ll soon lose interest in you and pull away. 

I have always been extra cautious about this. I never wanted to make Ankit feel less cared about before we officially committed. What did I do?

  • I shared things with him and asked about his thoughts on the same.
  • I sought help from him when required.
  • I tried cheering him up during his mood swings. 

And the list will go big. Long story short: I tried making Ankit feel wanted without looking too desperate. Ankit confessed later that this was one of the things that he loved the most about me. 

So, show him he’s needed. Show him that you genuinely care. He’ll definitely go crazy for you!

8. Be His Home.

A girl comforting a guy and having him in her arms.

When life gets tough, we all need someone who makes the chaos feel a bit more manageable. And trust me, men are no different – they just don’t always show it.

I remember when Ankit was struggling with a major career decision. He wasn’t looking for solutions; he just needed someone to listen without judgment. Instead of jumping in with advice, I simply created space for him to think out loud. Those vulnerable moments brought us closer than any perfect date ever could.

So, you see? It’s not about solving his problems or always being available. Just show up authentically when it matters. Listen when he needs to vent, celebrate his wins, and stand by him during setbacks.

Create a space where he doesn’t have to pretend to be “strong” all the time. Sometimes, just saying “I believe in you” means more than a thousand solutions.

9. Have Your Own Opinion.

This is an essential aspect of any successful relationship. You must have your own voice and not let the man decide everything for you. 

If he doesn’t see this in you, he’ll eventually lose interest. Or, he might get a green signal to operate you just the way he wants. 

A real MAN craves a woman who stands up for herself, has a voice, and is not afraid to speak up on different things. He will not look for an immature girl and no standpoint. 

Ankit and I always had a sharp difference regarding our favorite sports stars. Yet, I was always open to giving my opinion, whether after losing a game or making an average prediction. We have arguments even today, but we know how to respect each other’s opinions. 

10. Surprise Him Often. 

A girl surprising a guy with a gift.

Wait wait. No, it’s not about planning big surprises or spending money on expensive gifts. It’s those random little moments that show you actually pay attention. It’s surprising him with things he didn’t even realize you’d noticed.

Send him that funny meme that matches his weird sense of humor. Text him “You’ve got this!” before his big meeting. Remember how he mentioned loving dark chocolate with almonds? Surprise him with his favorite bar when he’s having a rough day.

When you become that person who remembers the little things about him, who gets what makes him tick? That’s when you become unforgettable.

Just keep it real. The best surprises come from genuinely caring, not trying to impress.

Non-Cringe Texts to Make Him Feel Attracted

So, you want some phrases to make him want you bad? I get it – those cheesy, over-the-top texts aren’t your thing. I’ll share some non-cringe messages that’ll make him smile and think about you all day long.

“Just heard your favorite song and couldn’t help but think of you 🥰”

“You know what I like best about talking to you? I can be completely myself 🤗”

“Your smile during our coffee date? Made my whole day ✨”

“Nobody gets my weird sense of humor like you do… lucky me 🥺”

“Just wanted to say you’ve been on my mind 💭”

“You looked really nice today. That confidence suits you 💝”

“You have this way of making everything more interesting 💫”

Keep these Do’s and Don’ts in Mind to Avoid Pushing Him Away!

Instead of this…Do this…
Making it all about youListen when he shares
Bugging him for attentionRespect his alone time
Pushing for labels too soonLet things develop naturally
Trying to change his habits or styleAccept him while he grows at his pace
Acting too hard to getBe naturally yourself
Texting him 24/7Give him space to miss you
Trying to make him jealousBuild genuine trust
Faking interests to impressStay true to your likes

How to Know If He Has Started Getting Stronger Feelings For You?

So, you’ve been following the tips and something feels different about him lately? Maybe you’re noticing small shifts in how he acts around you?

But how can you surely say that your efforts are working? These are the behavior shifts you’ll observe:

Then: Alpha male, didn’t show any interest in women.
Now: Extremely soft, listening to you all the time, and pampering you.

Texting Game:
Then: “Hey” texts that took hours to arrive.
Now: Random memes at 2 AM because “this reminded me of you.”

Social Media:
Then: Basic likes on your perfect selfies.
Now: First to watch your stories, heart your posts, and… oops, did he just like your 2019 photo?

Group Hangouts:
Then: Keeping it cool and casual across the room.
Now: Somehow always ending up next to you, laughing a bit too hard at your jokes, and giving you a special treatment.

Then: Mr. Smooth and Composed.
Now: Adorably awkward, showing his dorky side, and getting nervous when you’re around.

His Friends:
Then: Treating you like any other girl.
Now: Giving you those knowing looks and suddenly going quiet when you approach.

When Should You Step Back?

My dear, sometimes, no matter how much you like him or try these tips, things just may not feel right. And that’s perfectly fine. What’s not fine? Losing yourself trying to make someone want you.

So, watch for these moments that tell you it’s time to step back:

  • No matter how hard you try, he isn’t just reciprocating the efforts. There is no change in his behavior and he still seems romantically uninterested.
  • He responds to your messages but never starts a conversation.
  • That happy, confident woman you used to be? She’s fading. Your goals and dreams are taking a backseat while you’re busy thinking about him.
  • The energy you put in is draining you more than making you happy.
  • You find yourself overthinking every interaction, trying to figure out what you did wrong.
  • Every time your phone buzzes, your heart races – hoping it’s him. But most times, it’s not.

Hear this out. If he isn’t showing romantic interest, respect that boundary. No amount of effort or attention from your side can force his feelings. Being clingy or pushing harder will only push him further away and might even break the friendship that you currently have.

And honestly, you deserve better than having to convince someone to want you. Stepping back isn’t failure. Sometimes it’s choosing yourself.

Your peace of mind is more valuable than any connection that disturbs it.

Final Thoughts

With that, we have reached the end of this post. The above techniques will help you reach your destination- the man of your life and spice up the chemistry! 

See, what’s meant to be will always fall into place. 

However, the little efforts and the right moves make it worth cherishing a thousand times!

Let me know your thoughts in the comments below. 


I’ll be straightforward with you. If you’re trying to become someone else to win his heart, you’re in the completely wrong direction. Think about it: Do you really want someone to fall for a version of you that isn’t real?

When you pretend to be someone else, you’re not just fooling him, but you’re also cheating yourself of a chance to find someone who’d love you just as you are.

Sure, work on being the best version of yourself. But that’s different from changing who you are. Your true self is the best enough. Trust that.

Look. There’s a fine line between being mysteriously attractive and just plain unavailable.

A little bit of mystery can make things exciting. For instance, maybe you don’t reply instantly to every text, or you keep some stories for your next date instead of sharing everything at once.

But turning it into a full strategy? That’s a big no! When you constantly ignore his texts, pretend you’re too busy when you’re not, or play mind games, that’s not mysterious, that’s exhausting.

So, keep it natural. Let the excitement build on its own, but don’t turn your connection into a game. If you’re constantly acting distant, you might end up pushing him away completely.


  1. Wickham, R. (2012, May). Authenticity in romantic partners [Master’s thesis, University of Houston]. University of Houston Institutional Repository. http://hdl.handle.net/10657/ETD-UH-2012-05-454
  2. Brauer, K., & Proyer, R. T. (2021). Sex differences in attractiveness of humor. In T. K. Shackelford & V. A. Weekes-Shackelford (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science (pp. 7091–7094). Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_3245-1
  3. Takayanagi, J. F. G. B., Siqueira, J. de O., Silveira, P. S. P., & Valentova, J. V. (2024). What do different people look for in a partner? Effects of sex, sexual orientation, and mating strategies on partner preferences. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 53(3), 981–1000. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10508-023-02767-4




Mohar Bhattacharjee

Mohar, a Master’s student in Comparative Literature from Kolkata, has been a digital content writer since 2019.

With over 4 years of experience, she creates practical and relatable guides on relationships, dating, and self-help, drawing from her personal experiences. Mohar ensures her content is accurate and insightful by incorporating real-life examples.

In her free time, you can catch her watching cricket, some romantic Bollywood movies or taking a power nap.


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