12 Exciting Signs He Is Getting Ready to Ask You Out

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Jul 05, 2024

Is your guy about to pop the question? Check out these 12 exciting signs he’s getting ready to ask you out! Your love story is just a heartbeat away.

Signs he's getting ready to ask you out

You like a guy; you two have been talking to each other for a while, and your mood lights up in his presence. 

Okay, that’s wonderful, but I know something’s concerning you – “Why hasn’t he asked you out yet?”

I feel you. Here’s the thing: maybe the guy is trying to ensure you’re the right person to make the move. So, don’t worry, sweetie. If he’s sure about you, he’ll ask you out as soon as possible. 

And let me tell you, there are some signs to decode what’s happening inside him? 

Try looking for the right clues, and you’ll understand if he’s getting ready to ask you out. As always, I’ll help you gauge the hints in this blog. 

1. He Wants to Know Your Schedule.

A guy who has called a woman to know her schedule.

If the guy seems curious about your daily schedule lately, it’s a ringing bell. Why would he try to understand your work time, when you’re going out, or when you have lunch? 

Well, maybe because he’s preparing himself to ask you out soon. Just before the showdown, he’s having a sneak-peak into your daily life, trying to understand your preferences and leisure hours. 

I have actually experienced this scenario myself when my lover Ankit asked me out for the first time. He was suddenly very interested in knowing my study hours, if I love going out in the evening, my favorite cuisine, and so on. 

I wasn’t sure why he was asking these until one fine evening when he dropped me the sweetest lines on WhatsApp,

“Will you go out with me for lunch next week?”

2. He Might Inquire About Your Past Relationship. 

Even though the guy hasn’t brought up anything about your previous relationships so far, if he’s preparing to ask you out, he might try digging into the past a little bit.

Don’t get him wrong, my dear; he is not doing so to resurface old wounds. But, he is trying to understand your state of mind, whether you’re over your past experiences entirely and if you’re ready for a fresh start with someone else. 

He doesn’t want to create an embarrassing moment for both of you by asking you out in a rushed decision. That’s why he’s taking the time, analyzing the situation, and trying to comprehend if it’s good to go. 

When he asks you anything about your ex-partner, and you respond spontaneously on whether you’re over him or didn’t have any ex, there’s a high chance he’ll propose a date soon. 

3. He Tries to Understand Your Preferences on Men’s Attire. 

A guy asking a girl whether she likes his outfit.

Now, that’s bold. But the guy is asking you about your preference so he can dress accordingly on your date. Isn’t it sweet? This was the sweetest thing I liked about Ankit before he proposed a date.

“Do you like men in black jackets?” 

“What’s your take on men with beards?”

“Do you love it when guys apply deodorant?”

Ankit would ask me these, and deep inside, I could feel maybe he wanted to dress up to impress me. I didn’t let him understand I had already gauged his intentions.

The best part? He did turn up in a black hoodie on our date because I told him about my affinity towards BLACK! 

So, my dear, if the guy has been asking you a lot of questions recently about your favorite men’s suits, how you like them to be dressed, and all, count it as a sign he’s preparing to ask you out. 

4. He has a lot of Questions about Your Favourite Places. 

Recently, if the guy has been asking too many questions about your favorite place, take note. It could be a hint at what he’s preparing for. 

“Do you like the museum?” 

“Do you love to chat over coffee in a cozy cafe, or are you into fancy restaurants?” 

“Have you ever visited the roadside park?”

He’ll keep asking you these questions and try to have clarity. He’s keen on understanding your preference for hanging out, and accordingly, he’ll plan a date. 

Again, I can’t help but share a small glimpse of my conversation with Ankit:

Me: Why are you so busy figuring out my favorite place?

Ankit: You’ll understand when the time comes.

I was confused after he repeatedly asked me about my favorite place. And yes, I finally understood when he proposed a lunch date. 

So, the chances are high that you’ll soon understand why the guy has been bugging you with such questions lately. 

5. The Flirting Intensifies. 

A girl hugging a guy as he's flirting with her.

You might have been talking for a while now, but suddenly, his flirty gestures amplify. He’s always complimenting your pictures, admiring the beauty of your eyes, falling head over the heels with your fashion sense, and whatnot!

You’re enjoying this attention and can’t help but wonder, “Why is he flirting so much?” 

Well, there is a high chance he will ask you out soon. It’s just a trailer before the entire movie where he wants to ensure the ice melts completely. 

I’m sure most men display this behavior just before they’re about to drop the love bomb. I have seen so many examples besides Ankit. My best friend’s lover is on the list, too. 

So sweetie, if you have recently observed the guy’s amplified flirting attitude, he’s all set to make a move. 

6. He Asks You Directly Whether You Like Him. 

Asking whether you like him might be too direct, but some men don’t like being indirect with their favorite lady. If you’re on his mind and he plans to ask you out soon, he might not hesitate twice to come straight to the point. 

“Do you like spending time with me?” 

You might be awestruck at this sudden gesture, but let me tell you, my girl – if he is this bold, you will indeed have a wonderful time with him. Oh yes, sweetie, the blushing smile on your face right now says it all! 😉  

If he’s always been too direct with you about how much he likes you and how beautiful you are and now asks you directly if you like him, that’s a clear HINT. He wants to ensure you’re comfortable in his company and will hatch a date plan with your approval. 

7. He is Always Trying to Impress You. 

Now, here’s another rocker. One of the obvious signs he is getting ready to ask you out is when the guy seems always busy trying to impress you. 

Sometimes, he is a drama-king, trying to have your attention. Other times, he’s the rockstar singing your favorite song or a wordsmith melting you with flattering words. 

Now, it isn’t restricted to words but also extends to his actions. Be it opening the door for you or walking you to the car. Watching your favorite series, and the list goes on and on. 

Long thing short: he is obsessed with being in your good books. Why this sudden elevation in his behavior? 

Because he might be too stubborn to take “NO” for an answer. He wants to impress you, make you feel important, and let you understand that he’s always there anytime you need him. So, my dear, the day isn’t far when he’ll ask you out. 

8. He Asks You to Check Out a Particular Place. 

A girl who has received a message to check out a particular place from a guy.

One fine morning, you wake up to his text – “Hey, check out this restaurant. Do you like it?” 

Why on earth will a guy send you a place to check out and ask for your opinion? Maybe because he’s planning to take you there. 

Let me simplify things. If he sends you a picture asking whether you find it wonderful, there’s a high chance he has plans to propose a date in that place. He is getting ready to ask you out and just sorting out the primary questions by knowing your likes and dislikes. 

If you turn down the place he asked to check you out, he might search for another place and send you again to check that out. The cycle would repeat until you approve one of the places.

9. His Friends Drop Hints. 

Who’s the best person to get rid of all the confusion? The guy’s close friend! 

If you’re on his mind and he’s been planning to ask you out soon, he might have discussed it with his close pals. And you know how friends are, right? 

Like obviously, they won’t spill their friend’s secret in front of you, but they can’t help but drop you some hints. 

“Hey, Mary, get ready for a surprise pretty soon.” 

“Hi Mary, James told us that you like vanilla ice cream. Is that true?” 

So, you see. Why would the guy discuss your favorite food item with his friends? Because he’s so in you! He might have plans to ask you out soon, which he discussed with his buddies. And they are here, trying to serve you some clue. 

So sweetie, tell me. Have you noticed something cheesy with his friends’ behavior recently? If yes, that could be a cue he’s getting ready to ask you out. 

10. He Opens Up More About Himself. 

If the guy is really into you and is getting ready to ask you out, he will try to be more of an open book with you to increase transparency and trust. 

If you’re interested in him, you would’ve asked him personal questions about his previous experiences, favorite things, and so on. Now, he’ll come forward and try sharing more about him. 

It’s not oversharing but his way of understanding if you’re equally interested in listening to him, just how he listens to you. Not only does he feel comfortable sharing about himself with you, but he also wants to cut off any wall that might be present before the first date he’s planning. 

I have observed something similar with Ankit, too. He’d been an open book the last two days before he asked me out. He discussed things on his own, what makes him happy and upset, his favorite gestures, etc. 

Later, he admitted he was trying to make things as transparent as crystal between us before he made a move on me. 

11. You Just Feel It. 

A happy, smiling woman.

You know what? With the right person by your side, you can feel things on your own. Don’t push away your gut feelings; most of the time, they don’t lie. 

Deep inside my mind, I felt that something special would happen. And yes, Ankit proved me right by asking me out. 

After all the guy’s gestures, if your mind is dancing with the same joy, let it happen this way. When the vibe feels optimistic, and you feel you’ll have a date with him soon, your mind is probably right. 

It’s not about you and me; many women like us have felt the same way just before some special gesture from their man. My best friend, my cousins, no one is an exception. 

So, if you have seen most or some of the above signs in him and your head firmly wants to believe he’s getting ready to ask you out, accept it, sweetie! 

12. He Gives You Thoughtful Looks and Comments. 

This is another sign to note if he is getting ready to ask you out. You might catch the guy giving you thoughtful looks and comments just before the final showdown. 

You two might be sitting together in class and suddenly catch him staring at you. He doesn’t slide away his face but prolongs his gaze as if he wants to tell you something. 

He will also drop you unexpected comments that will leave you thinking. Suppose in a chitchat you casually mention how it has been so long since you haven’t received surprises, and he will say, 

“You’ll soon receive one.” 

That’s his hint. He will soon surprise you by asking you out on a date. Currently, he is just getting ready with all the arrangements, places, and everything. That’s one example. 

If he is getting ready to propose a date soon, there are sure chances you’ll receive indirect hints from him, too, not only his friends. Focus on his behavior instead of looking for clues in the wrong places. 

Wrapping Up

That sums up our discussion on the possible signs he’s getting ready to ask you out. 

I have one friendly suggestion: don’t jam your head deciphering the clues and overthinking what’s taking him so long to ask you out. 

If it’s meant to be, it’ll eventually fall into place, my dear. Instead, enjoy the moments with the guy right now and cherish the feel-good feeling. When he finally asks you out, pick the best outfit, put on a lovely smile, and rock the date! 

If he doesn’t (that’s less likely, provided he has displayed these signs), it’s okay, too! You never know how something more beautiful is waiting for you!




Mohar Bhattacharjee

Mohar, a Master’s student in Comparative Literature from Kolkata, has been a digital content writer since 2019.

With over 4 years of experience, she creates practical and relatable guides on relationships, dating, and self-help, drawing from her personal experiences. Mohar ensures her content is accurate and insightful by incorporating real-life examples.

In her free time, you can catch her watching cricket, some romantic Bollywood movies or taking a power nap.


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