10 Shocking Twin Flame Separation Sickness Symptoms!

Updated On:

Jul 05, 2024

Are you actually sick because of twin flame separation? Discover these 10 twin flame separation sickness symptoms and their coping strategies.

Twin flame separation sickness symptoms.

You know you’re in a separation phase in your twin flame journey and will eventually find each other. But it still hurts so much, doesn’t it? 

My friend, I know you’re struggling with intrusive thoughts that are getting in your way. There is anger, jealousy, and overwhelmed feelings within you. Sometimes, you feel depressed, tired, or go through some other issues. 

It is also quite possible you’ve visited a doctor, and they said, “Hey, there isn’t any problem with you. Your reports are normal!” 

If your reports are normal, why do you feel sick? Do you want to know the reason? Well, it’s because you’re going through the separation sickness phase after your breakup.  

In this blog, I’ll share twin flame separation sickness symptoms and how to cope with them strategically. 

Let’s dive in! 

What Is Twin Flame Separation Sickness?

When twin flames go through the separation phase and are unable to express their intense feelings, such as love, anger, and jealousy, for a prolonged period, they might suffer from physical, emotional, and spiritual pain, which is known as twin flame separation sickness. 

Therefore, unless and until you don’t learn how to express your emotions, you won’t be able to heal in your twin flame journey. The reason is that your personal and spiritual growth is essential. For that to happen, going through the separation sickness is vital. 

10 Twin Flame Separation Sickness Symptoms

1. Intense Emotional Turmoil.

An extremely sad and disappointed girl.

When you were enjoying your honeymoon phase, you were over the moon. Weren’t you? 

You didn’t understand how days passed into months and months into years. You wanted those mesmerizing moments to last forever. 

But my dear friend, you shouldn’t forget you’re on a twin flame journey and moving ahead to enlightenment. So, it isn’t definitely going to be an easy path, right? 

Therefore, you’ll feel intense ups and downs while dealing with the separation phase. For instance, one moment, you’ll be sad and depressed thinking about how all things went wrong. And the next moment, you’ll feel lonely from within and want to reconnect with your mirror soul

Thus, due to these roller-coaster emotions, you’ll feel overwhelmed and will have to dive deep within your soul to understand the patterns of your thoughts and feelings. 

2. Dreams and Telepathy.

The most common symptom of twin flame separation sickness is you meet your divine counterpart via vivid dreams and telepathy. 

Some dreams help you connect in 5D, and others allow you to sort out things. After all, many misunderstandings would’ve occurred in your relationship, and you stopped talking to each other. 

Hence, the universe takes the job of reuniting you two without letting you know.

Coming to telepathy, you can feel the energy of your mirror soul. For example, when you’re casually talking with other people, you’ll feel like those people are speaking the thoughts of your twin flame

You might also feel your divine counterpart is talking to you through the lyrics of their favorite music genres whenever you’re immersed in listening to the songs.  

3. Twin Flame Depression.

A girl suffering from twin flame depression.

Depression is one of the most common symptoms of twin flame separation sickness. Yes, it’s a soul-wrenching experience that no one can understand. 

But why do you feel so much pain, you may ask? 

It’s because there’s no timeline for these down in the dumps phase, and you need lots of patience.

Another reason is that you’ve been connected on a soul level, and your divine energies are entangled. Therefore, once you are separated, you feel disconnected and depressed from within.

4. Heightened Intuition.

When you go through the emotional turmoil in twin flame separation sickness, you go deep within yourself and get connected to your higher self. You realize your subconscious mind is guiding you, and your intuition is heightened. 

It might be frightening, but it’s a sign that the universe has your back.

For instance, your heightened intuition can tell you that your twin flame is visiting a nearby place or has posted something on social media. When you check their account, you see your gut feeling is right and get goosebumps. 

Another example can be when you doubt your twin flame journey; you see angel numbers such as ‘1111,’ ‘111,’ or ‘222.’ 

It’s just a reminder from the universe to stop overthinking or doubting the process during the separation phase. 

5. Soul Growth.

A lady sitting under a tree experiencing soul growth.

As you know, the twin flame journey is a transformative process. You experience the real transformation when you feel sick during the separation phase. 

However, once you understand the purpose behind your journey, you’ll realize everything is taking place for your soul growth. 

In this process, you’ll learn to:

  • Understand self-love, self-acceptance, self-worth.
  • Love unconditionally.
  • Step away from codependency.
  • Let go of ego or holding grudges against anyone.
  • Respect yourself on a soul level.

You’ll keep shedding the old skin as you do the inner work. Hence, you come out as a balanced and mature person to reunite with your other half. 

6. Ego Death.

Ego death means you lose your identity. It’s a painful process that takes place when you’re about to awaken in your spiritual journey. 

While walking on this path, life circumstances teach you that nothing is in your hands. For instance, if you try to control your twin flame relationship by forcing things out, the universe will throw obstacle balls in your court. 

Thus, once you learn your lessons, you stop blaming others or situations for whatever happens; this ego death makes you bend your knees and tames your ego. 

Also, you address numerous emotional blockages, such as: 

  • Limiting beliefs.
  • Heightened ego.
  • Controlling nature.
  • Seeking attention and validation from others. 

Thus, you do the inner work, and your soul starts to heal. Due to ego death, you release all your expectations, judgments, and attachments from your twin flame and embrace every broken piece of yourself. 

7. Spiritual Awakening.

A girl experiencing spiritual awakening.

In your twin flame journey, you’ll get triggered by your partner. Their words, actions, and approach toward you will force you to look within yourself. My dear friend, the sole purpose behind these triggers would be to awaken your soul. 

You might wonder, “How will I feel during spiritual awakening?” 

So, to give you an example, you’ll sense the electric currents flowing up through your spine. Also, once you are in the inner work process, you’ll realize your energy flows freely through your heart chakra. 

You’ll also embrace your individual karmic path once you undergo intense transformations. You’ll connect with your inner self and acknowledge your needs and wants. Besides, you’ll learn to forgive and become ready to reunite with your mirror soul. 

8. Lack of Energy.

Do you feel a lack of energy while doing your daily tasks? For instance, you wake up by dragging your feet and brew coffee as you yawn constantly. Also, you feel restless when asked to visit a market, even at the corner of your colony. 

Are you nodding? If it’s a yes and you’ve been feeling this since your separation, then my dear friend, you’re suffering from twin flame separation sickness. 

Truth be told, twin-flame relations suck a lot of energy from you. That’s why you aren’t energetic most of the time. 

However, once you start doing the inner work and healing, things begin to improve, and you live a peaceful life.

9. Synchronicities.

Besides dreams and telepathy, synchronicities are another sign of your twin flame separation sickness. 

As a twin flame, you fall apart when you see no hope of reuniting with your divine counterpart. Every cell within your body seems like crushing from within to end this unbearable pain. Thus, you decide to give up on this twin flame journey. 

Now, what does it mean? It means you’re trying to part ways with the other half of your soul. Is it even possible, my dear friend? No, right? After all, you’re one soul destined to reunite. 

Therefore, to reassure you, the universe will send synchronicities your way. For instance, it will guide you by showing angel numbers or making you visit a particular place simultaneously. You’ll see their name, birthdates, or zodiac signs whenever you think about them. 

The reason behind these synchronicities is to show that you’re on your other half’s mind. It is also a reassurance that the separation gap between you will decrease. 

10. You Feel Your Life Is Totally Out of Control.

Everything was fine until you two were together, right? You were on the same page, and your life was all sorted. 

But now, things have completely changed. You now understand where you’re heading in your twin flame journey. You’re overwhelmed with the sudden changes in your life. There are emotions such as doubt, anger, resentment, and revenge. 

So, what happens next?

One moment, you still want your twin flame back into your life, and the other moment, you don’t want to be with them anymore. Also, you refrain from giving a single thought to their existence. Yet, here you are again, thinking about them 24/7

Uff! Such contrasting thoughts are taking place simultaneously, aren’t they? Thus, you feel your life is totally out of control.

You might immerse yourself in work to escape such a confusing situation and control your thoughts and emotions. However, my dear friend, until and unless you don’t accept your feelings and let go of your hold on the situation, you can never take charge of your life. 

6 Coping Strategies for Twin Flame Separation Sickness

Ahh! The separation sickness makes your head go in circles, and your eyes roll out. Isn’t it? 

But worry not. We have six coping strategies to help you overcome your twin flame separation sickness. 

1. Self-Care and Healing.

A guy who's meditating.

The first and foremost thing is to care for your body, mind, and soul. 

So, how would you do that? 

It’s simple. Take a pen and a piece of paper and list everything that makes you happy. 

To give you a few examples:

  • Some people find solace in the innocence of animals. The reason is that spending time with little puppies makes them feel grounded.
  • Listening to birds chirping or going out in nature can help you connect with your inner self
  • Meditation and journaling can help balance your intense emotions.

If nothing of this helps, don’t hesitate to visit a therapist. They’ll assist you in healthily releasing your trauma. 

2. Trust the Divine Timing.

My dear friend, learning to detach from the outcome can be highly beneficial. 

Try not to have any expectations from your separation phase or think about how it will turn out. Surrender to the divine timing and leave everything in the hands of the universe. 

Remember, being the twin flames; you are destined to reunite only after you go through the inner healing phase. 

Once you stop seeking your twin flame reunion, the time to meet your ethereal partner gets closer.

3. Respect and Feel the Emotions.

Another way to cope with twin flame separation sickness is to sit with your emotions and notice the sensations. See how your body feels at the moment, and stop logical reasoning. 

If you keep thinking about why you’re feeling down in the dumps, you’ll never allow your inner and deep thoughts to surface. 

Also, learn to let your feelings and thoughts come and go. Try to understand your thoughts and release them in this process. Divert your mind toward something else and allow your emotions to flow. 

4. Join Like-Minded Communities.

A group of like-minded people sitting together.

You might find this weird, but many people are on their twin flame journey. Those people who have also gone through intense emotional turmoil are sharing their experiences and learnings with others. 

You’ll gain insights about your separation sickness phase if you join such like-minded communities. 

Besides, some of the experiences might relate to your situation and relieve you from the intense pain. You’ll realize you’re not the only one dealing with turmoil in life. 

Knowing how others have evolved in this spiritual journey will help you cope better with your separation sickness. 

5. Seek Support From Your Close Ones.

Whether you’re going through physical, emotional, or spiritual pain in your journey, you’ll need the support of others. 

I know not all people in your life will understand your situation. But I’m pretty sure a few close ones will listen to you genuinely and support you with love and compassion. 

If you have such angels, I suggest you share your thoughts and feelings with them. Pour out your heart and cry out aloud if you want. But at any cost, don’t suppress your feelings, as they might burst out if not expressed on time. 

You’ll feel lighter once you release your emotions, and the world will look brighter again. 

6. Accept the Reality.

Last but not least, practice acceptance and go with the flow of life. Accepting separation as a part of your twin flame journey will help you walk on this path more easily. 

If you practice acceptance, you’ll have no expectations about your separation or reunion phase. You will stop controlling the outcome of your twin flame journey. 

You’ll feel the satisfying silence once you loosen your grip on your twin flame. This inner peace will help you cope with the separation sickness. 


I know it’s challenging to get through the twin flame separation sickness. However, you must undergo this transformative phase to evolve as a soul. It’s the best opportunity for you to work on yourself and experience the awakening of your soul. 

Until then, you must keep walking on this roller-coaster emotional path and maintain your balance with the help of the above-mentioned coping strategies. 

I’m sure you’ll deal with your separation sickness without getting overwhelmed. Believe in yourself and the divine. Things will happen when they are meant to. 

All the best, my dear friend. I hope you’ll soon recover from your separation sickness and say, “All is Well!”



Megha Kadam

Megha Kadam

Megha Kadam is a passionate spiritual content writer who loves to dive deep into the spiritual world.

Also, being in the tarot profession for more than a decade, she believes her content can inspire, heal, and uplift the soul of the readers.

Other than writing and reading tarot cards for her close ones, Megha loves cooking and playing with children which keeps her inย highย spirits!


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