14 Weird Soulmate Signs You Just Can’t Ignore!

Updated On:

Sep 14, 2024

Think you’ve found “the one” but not sure? Check out these 14 odd clues that could point to a soulmate bond – prepare to be surprised!

weird soulmate signs

Key Takeaways

  • The universe works in mysterious ways to bring you closer to your soulmate — sometimes through unexpected feelings or subtle signs.
  • You may feel an immediate connection that grows stronger, even if the person is different from what you imagined.
  • Trust, comfort, and a sense of “home” often emerge naturally when you’re with the right person.
  • Repeating patterns or little cosmic nudges could be the universe’s way of pointing you in the right direction.
  • Pay attention to how you feel around someone — it might just be your heart recognizing its perfect match.

When deep down in the core of your being you believe that your soulmate exists, there is no limit to the ways he or she can enter your life.

~ Arielle Ford

So true, isn’t it?

Not only I, but 60% of Americans believe in soulmates! And I am damn sure you do, too. 

Although most people can hear the angels play music when they meet the love of their life, others meet them in the most unexpected way. In this blog, I am going to share 14 weird signs that will help you recognize your soulmate. 

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1. You’ve Started Liking Each Other (Even if You’ve Just Met)

A girl and a guy who like each other.

You may feel confused after your initial encounters with your soulmate.

As your souls begin to align, you’re left trying to understand your emotions. Even with clear chemistry, both of you might be in denial.

You might think, “Why am I so drawn to this person when there’s no obvious spark?”

But as you spend more time together, sharing your interests, goals, and challenges, your souls start to recognize each other. Gradually, things start to click, and you realize how much you have in common in terms of values and outlook.

2. Intense Energies Make You Awkward

When you meet your soulmate, the connection feels magnetic. You experience an overwhelming pull toward that person, almost like a cosmic force drawing you together.

The energy between you two is so intense that it leaves you feeling awkward and uncomfortable.

Emotionally, you’re confused, unsure of how to act or what to say around them. Sometimes, you might avoid talking altogether or quickly start talking to someone else to escape the awkwardness. You might even leave the place just to avoid feeling overwhelmed.

But no matter how much you try to run, the universe keeps bringing you back together.

3. They’re Way Different From Your Expectations

Have you ever pictured your ideal soulmate — maybe a tall, dark, handsome guy who loves taking you on long drives? Or if you’re a guy, perhaps you’ve imagined a fair, witty, intelligent girl with a perfect figure who keeps you falling for her every day?

See. There’s nothing wrong with having such dreams; many of us have unicorn-like expectations of our soulmates. But here’s the weird truth — your soulmate might be completely different from what you imagined!

Your soulmate may not fit your physical idea, but they could be the most loving, caring person you’ve ever met. They might not woo you with their looks, but they’ll care about the little things, lift your spirits on a bad day, and go above and beyond to make you feel special.

As L.J. Smith says:

I told you. You don’t love someone because of their looks or their clothes or their car. You love them because they sing a song only your heart can understand.

4. You Develop a Weird, Unwavering Faith in Them

A girl and a guy that have a weird, unwavering faith in each other.

When you find yourself trusting someone without reason, it’s a strong indication from the universe they’re your soulmate.

For example, when that person says, “I’ll always be there for you,” your heart just knows they mean it. There’s no room for doubt, nor do you feel the need to make them prove it.

Now you might ask “Megha, How am I able to trust someone I’ve just met?”

The answer lies in your past lives. Your soul carries memories from those lifetimes. It remembers how this person stood by you during tough times, long before this lifetime. Their loyalty has stayed with your soul, and that deep trust still remains within you today.

5. You Are Allowed To Be Vulnerable

Have you ever shared your deepest secrets with someone, only to be hurt afterward? It’s difficult to open up about your fears, insecurities, and emotions because people often judge, hurt, or embarrass you.

But with your soulmate, it’s different.

They create a safe space where you can be yourself. You feel comfortable sharing your scars and insecurities without any fear of judgment.

Once they understand your vulnerable side, they know how to nurture your soul and meet your needs.

When you feel that inner voice saying, “This is the one,” and you trust them enough to pour your heart out, you know you’ve found the right companion.

6. You Experience a Weird Sort of Calmness With Them

A girl sitting calmly with a guy, leaning her head to his shoulder.

Imagine you returning home after a long, tiring day. You want to cut the ties off completely from the outer world to feel calm and relaxed. So you splash water on your eyes to refresh yourself and then sip your favorite cappuccino while lying on the couch. 

How does that feel? Nothing can beat the coziness of your home, right?

That’s how you feel when you have your soulmate beside you. There’s a complete balance of your energies, and you feel at peace. You feel at home. You feel surreal and calm from within. 

And that’s the best feeling ever!

7. You Are No More Invisible To Yourself

When you meet your soulmate, your inner energies transform magically. There’s a sheer satisfaction that reflects on your face. You are happy with yourself and realize your self-worth. There’s a slight nudge from within to take care of your needs and happiness. 

You start noticing yourself and wonder why you have never loved yourself before. 

As the saying goes-

It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.

~ John Joseph Powell

8. Their Love and Friendship Helps You Transform

Their love and friendship helps you transform.

There’s something special about this relationship. You love each other to the core of your heart and are best friends of each other. 

Dr. Caroline Leaf in her podcast says: 

I’ve been married for 35 years. And before meeting my husband, I was engaged twice. But when I met my husband, a deep longing connection was created even before I knew him. 
I am so drawn toward him that my husband is the first person I want to see in the morning and before going to bed. The interaction with your person is so deep and peaceful that you get transformed from within.

Whatever she said is true. Your soulmate enters into your life to bring a transformation within you. And that’s your main purpose to meet in this lifetime. 

And that’s the simplest indication you get from the universe that you have met your soulmate.

9. You Patch Up With Them In No Time

It’s not easy to forgive someone, you know? But that’s not true for your soulmate. You’re able to forgive them in one go. 

You’ve got your own weird ways to patch up after a fight. You both converse with your naughty eyes for a certain period. And the next moment, you’re out for a date as if everything is normal between you two. 

You can’t have a heated conversation stretched for days or months. A single sorry is enough for things to go back to normal.

10. Life Is Easy-Peasy With Them

Soulmates enjoying life in each other's company.

Your energies are aligned perfectly, as it was your destiny to cross paths with each other. So, most of the time, your thoughts and words flow naturally. 

You don’t have to think much before speaking with them. Things are planned quickly, and random trips are the most memorable ones with this person.

You speak your own secret language even when you don’t know one, and the incredible part is that others can’t notice your secret language when you’re in a crowd. 

Above all, you connect with each other on deeper levels and that’s why life is easy-peasy between you two. 

11. You Always Feel On Cloud Nine

You don’t need any reason to be happy when you’re with your soulmate. No matter how other things are messed up, you always go to bed smiling. Nothing seems to bother you. 

Life suddenly seems more beautiful. You fall in love with yourself, and your aura is completely filled with pure bliss and happiness.

12. You Can Talk to Each Other Without Words

When you’re with your soulmate, verbal communication isn’t always necessary. You can understand each other’s thoughts even when you’re miles apart.

But, how are you able to communicate without saying a word?

Actually, you connect on a soul level, where your wavelengths are perfectly aligned. This connection lets you predict each other’s energies, emotions, and thoughts effortlessly.

13. Eyes Reveal Their True Feelings

Soulmates looking deeply in each other's eyes.

You can sense the intentions of person staring at you, right? Doesn’t it feel irritating when they give you a ‘not-so-good’ intentional look?

But when your soulmate looks deep into your eyes, you can feel their true love and pure intentions. At the core of your heart, you know they love you to the moon and back. There’s a gut feeling that they can’t do any wrong to you, even in their wildest dreams. 

14. You See “222” Everywhere!

This is one of the strangest, yet most loved soulmate signs. As a tarot enthusiast, I can’t leave this one out!

The number 222 is known as the soulmate number, symbolizing a single soul split in different bodies connected by pure love.

The universe shows you this number when you’re about to form a deep connection with someone special.

You might wonder, “How will the universe show me these numbers?”

For example, when you’re with your soulmate, you might see “222” on a car’s license plate, your watch might show “2:22,” or your receipt might total “$22.2” or even “$222.”

All this shows you’re a match made in heaven!

Will You Notice All these Signs?

NO, YOU WON’T! They are called “weird” signs for a fact that they are rare and unusual. So, even if you notice a few of them alongside the usual soulmate signs, that’s completely fine!

What to Do After You’ve Recognized Your Soulmate?

So, you’ve started experiencing some of these weird signs. You feel the magnetic pull, the telepathic connection, or maybe you keep seeing “222” everywhere. Now, the question is: What’s next? How do you handle this strange, intense connection?

Let me walk you through it.

1. Trust Your Intuition: When the signs appear, listen to your gut. If you feel a deep connection with someone, trust it. Your inner voice knows more than you think.

2. Stay Open: Don’t overanalyze or resist the connection. Let things flow naturally and allow the universe to do its work.

3. Communicate Honestly: Start opening up to your soulmate. Share your thoughts and feelings slowly, letting vulnerability strengthen your bond.

4. Don’t Rush: Let the connection evolve naturally. Avoid rushing into decisions—give the relationship time to grow.

5. Reflect on the Signs: Take time to think about the signs. Journal or reflect on what they mean and how they make you feel.

6. Trust the Universe: Trust that these signs have a purpose. Whether this person is in your life for a season or a lifetime, let the universe guide you.

In the End

Do you know what most people who have met their soulmates say?

They say, “If you’ve found someone who fulfills you from within, don’t let that person go from your life. Hold onto them forever.”

Consider this as friendly-advice if you have that one person in your life. If you haven’t found them yet, I hope they’ll cross your path soon.

Keep smiling, dear!



Megha Kadam

Megha Kadam

Megha Kadam is a passionate spiritual content writer who loves to dive deep into the spiritual world.

Also, being in the tarot profession for more than a decade, she believes her content can inspire, heal, and uplift the soul of the readers.

Other than writing and reading tarot cards for her close ones, Megha loves cooking and playing with children which keeps her inย highย spirits!


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