15 Shocking Reasons Your Ex is So Mean to You!
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Struggling to understand why your ex is being so rude? Explore these 15 insightful reasons behind their behavior and get the closure you need!
Going through a breakup is already shattering, and what further rubs the wound is your ex’s nasty behavior. Even if your heart hopes for a reconciliation, you step back because of your ex partner’s meanness.
Now, here’s a different angle: you’re over your breakup and want to maintain a friendly relationship with your ex. But they’re being extra rude to you.
You might wonder what’s so wrong that your ex is treating you so poorly? Don’t they have even an inch of empathy left for you? Well, there can be several reasons why they are behaving this way.
In this blog, I’ll take you through the 15 possible reasons your ex-partner is so mean to you.
1. They Are Still Hurt.
It might have been a few months since you guys broke up, but they’re still hurt. They’re still stuck on that argument or a particular statement from you.
Remembering that thing still gives them immense pain and triggers their emotion. That’s why when your ex sees you, they get nasty. They cannot stand you because they didn’t receive closure on that matter, which is hurting them.
I have seen this thing between my friend “Esha” and her ex, “Jai.” She used to be very mean to him because she couldn’t move on from their last argument. It continued until they talked and sorted it out to some extent.
2. They’re Trying Their Best to Move On.
Sometimes, in an effort to move forward, people feel the need to cut ties completely. Acting cold or harsh might be their way of trying to forget and heal.
Your ex might feel that being soft with you might make them weak, and implore them to think about giving it a second chance.
It’s difficult for them to get over you peacefully, so they’re being mean and trying to cut off every contact with you.
If you still have a soft corner in your heart from them, you’ll likely pull away after their mean attitude. Maybe that’s what they want, as it might make the ‘move on’ a little smoother for them.
3. They Are Trying to Get Your Attention.
Sometimes, it’s not about any hate or hurt; it’s about seeking your attention. Yes, my friend, you heard it right.
One of the reasons your ex is mean to you is that they’re simply trying to get your attention. Deep down, they might be hoping for a patch-up.
Their meanness might piss you off to go up and ask them, “Why are you behaving this way?”
Maybe that’s what they want. They want to sort it out with you and give the relationship a second chance. Hence, they choose to be mean to trigger your emotions to talk to them.
4. They Genuinely Hate You.
No blame game, no attention seeking, no hurt. Your ex genuinely hates you. They hate you for every argument you had and everything that happened between you.
They don’t feel anything at this moment for you, nor do they have an inch of weakness left for you. All the negative moments and the bitter memories flash in front of their eyes, and they can’t help but hate you.
And maybe that hatred forces them to be mean to you.
I relate this scenario a lot with my cousin, “John.” He was distraught with how his ex-girlfriend treated him. He was disappointed and would be very rude to her.
It took him a long time to abandon this habit.
5. They Want to Stay Clear With Their New Partner.
Your ex might be in a new relationship and don’t want to create any kind of misunderstanding with their new partner. Treating you well might make their present partner suspect something.
So, to keep things clear with them, your ex is being really mean to you.
You might wonder why they’re carrying so much hate for you in their heart. However, their behavior doesn’t necessarily have to do something with you. It’s not about their disappointment in you or that they haven’t healed yet from the breakup.
It’s simply their way to keep things sorted in their current relationship.
6. They Feel Lonely.
The breakup might have made your ex miserable because they were heavily emotionally dependent on you; the breakup was too heavy for them to handle.
They feel sad now that they realize the person they were emotionally attached to is gone from their life. A wave of loneliness engulfs your ex because they no longer find that consoling shoulder during tough times.
That’s why they are being rude to you. The loneliness is not letting them be at peace, and the constant moroseness in their mind is triggering them to behave weirdly.
7. They Are Doing It for the Show Off.
Sounds unbelievable? I can understand, but the truth remains the same.
Your ex-partner playing it cool and want to pretend they’re doing fine after the breakup. They want the outside world to know that things are totally okay with them, and they don’t give a damn about their ex.
It’s their show-off game that pushes them to be extra mean to you.
8. They Are Jealous of You.
Now, you might say, “But Mohar, why would my ex be jealous of me?”
Well, there could be ample reasons, dear.
You might be doing well academically/professionally, glowing after the breakup, still in touch with their friends, or it could be anything that makes you appear happy. They are jealous of you, and that’s triggering them to be mean.
I know it sounds a bit weird. Someone who loved you once is jealous of you today.
Well, my friend, human psychology is complicated. You never know what happens in someone’s mind in different situations.
9. They Are Unhappy Because You’re in a New Relationship.
After the breakup, you might be in a new relationship, and that might piss off your ex. They can’t stand that you moved on quickly and that someone is new in your life. Out of that anguish, they might behave meanly with you.
They could still be in love, so seeing you with someone else hurts them. Or, they might not be in love anymore, but the fact you’re over the breakup and now seeing someone else somehow degrades their ego.
10. They Are Guilty of Ruining It.
Whose fault was the breakup? Was it your ex who ruined it? Was it their action that you decided to call it off? If yes, they may be guilty of it now.
That guilt and remorse are breaking your ex, and that’s why they’re being nasty. They don’t have the courage to admit their guilt and try to be mean to you to stay carefree.
They don’t want to remember that they were responsible for the breakup. So, they try to take out their frustration by being mean to you. It could be their way to keep their mind away from all the guilty thoughts and the mistakes they made.
11. They Still Love You.
It could be your ex’s guilt, anger, jealousy, or the exact opposite that they’re still in love with you. They can’t swallow the fact that you guys have called it quits!
Your ex is stuck between “moving on” and “seeking a reconciliation.” They are unclear on what their next move should be.
During the relationship, your ex might have set many dreams for the future, and that’s all shattered now! The distance from their loved one is tearing them apart.
Maybe they never expected a breakup or to call off the relationship with their beloved. But now that has happened, and they’re still in love, they feel helpless. They don’t know how to vent their emotions and are being mean to you.
12. They Want to Make You Feel Guilty.
Sometimes it’s the blame game. Your ex might want to blame you for the breakup. It’s like they want to take false control over the situation.
One of the cheesy tricks your ex can use to make you feel guilty about the breakup is being mean to you. Their attitude might slowly tear you apart, and you might start feeling guilty for everything that went downhill between you.
Even though it wasn’t exactly your fault behind the breakup, your ex wants to blame you for that. Seeing you guilty over it might satisfy their ego.
Was it actually your fault? If not, I suggest avoiding them and their actions that are making you upset.
13. They Didn’t Have the Best Childhood.
Let me be clear on one part before you move ahead on this point. I don’t intend to shame anyone here, nor am I trying to blame. My only job is to spit out some facts to help you connect the dots.
Upbringing plays a significant role in an individual’s behavior. A lousy childhood with negative memories might influence an individual’s life throughout.
I’m not saying they must be bad if your ex had a dysfunctional family. Not at all! But perhaps they haven’t healed from that bad phase.
That’s why they might lack communication skills or not know how to react in such a situation. They are unable to express their grief towards you, and hence, are being rude.
No offense to the family, but the bitter influence implores your ex to take a negative attitude rather than handle it gracefully.
14. They Want You to Move On.
One of the other possible reasons your ex is mean to you might be because they want you to move on. Why?
- They have already moved on and don’t want you to be sad anymore about the breakup.
- The situation might never let you be together. That’s why your ex feels it’s better not to grieve over the breakup and start moving on.
Whatever it is, they know the only thing that can pull you away from them is a mean attitude.
If they’ll be rude to you consistently, you’ll gradually develop an anguish and disappointment in them. The soft corner might start fading, making it easier for you to move on.
15. You’re Being Extra Sensitive.
Lots of talk about your ex. Now, let’s focus on you. Are they really being mean, or are you overthinking it a bit?
The breakup was naturally hard on you, too. You have many emotions inside your mind; hence, even the slightest thing seems significant to you.
So, even if your ex did nothing big, you might feel that your ex is being rude.
My cousin “John” was already mean to his ex. But he would say his ex-girlfriend was being mean to him, too. That’s where he was a bit hypersensitive.
It was his anger and disappointment that made him think his ex-partner was treating him quite severely.
Sit quietly and think, my friend. Is it really what you are comprehending? Do you want to ruin your mental peace by worrying about why your ex is being so mean?
The call is yours. Choose wisely.
Wrapping Up
So, finally, we’re done exploring all the possible reasons behind your ex’s nasty behavior.
Whatever it is, my friend, here’s some friendly advice:
If you can talk and fix things, go for it. If there are zero chances of reconciliation with your ex, it’s better to stop worrying about why your ex is mean to you.
Focus on your life and the people in it at this moment. Digging up old wounds will hurt you both, and it’s better to avoid any action that fuels bitterness.
Time is a healer, and maybe things will improve with time. Don’t you think so?