From Dating to “I Do”: 10 Signs He Will Marry You

Updated On:

Sep 22, 2024

Wondering if he’s thinking long-term? Discover 10 sweet signs he will eventually put a ring on it. Get ready for some heartwarming surprises!

Signs he will marry you

Dating in this generation is already difficult, let alone marriage.

No, I don’t want to sound negative here, but speaking from what I see. Most people are intolerant of relationships, have a bundle of backup options, and lack the minimum effort to build a strong bond and convert it to marriage. 

Fears might pop up in your mind, thinking about whether the guy you are with right now wants to marry you. You wouldn’t want to invest your time and energy in someone you don’t have a future with.

What to do in that case? You have to find out if he wants to wife you. 

And as always, I’m here to help. In this blog, I will take you through 10 prominent signs he intends to marry you in the future. 

Let’s dive in. Fingers crossed! 🤞

1. He Proposes to Live Together. 

Guy asking his girlfriend to live together.

Has he discussed the idea of living together? If yes, that indicates he is gearing up for marriage. He wouldn’t just come in and propose ‘just a friend‘ to move in with him, right? 

Marriage is a big decision, and no matter how long you’ve been dating, conflicts might emerge in the future. That’s why living together for a while before tying the knot is a wise decision to get a taste of each other’s constant company, likes and dislikes, perspectives, etc. Your guy may have thought of these things and hence proposed this idea. 

If he had zero plans to wife you, he wouldn’t have gone into this discussion. He is taking it slow and steady with his thoughtful decisions. If he has asked this already, I think that’s a good reason for you to stop worrying about whether he sees a future together.

2. He Loves Having You at His Family Gatherings.

Have you recently started getting invites to his family celebrations? Are your meetups no longer limited to just the two of you?  

If you’re answering with a respective yes and no, that’s a fantastic sign he is damn serious about the relationship and has plans to marry you. He wants you to be a part of his personal life and share some of his family’s precious moments with you.

Just imagine how well he speaks about you in front of his family that they want you to be a part of their gatherings too! Isn’t it the sweetest way to admire their soon-to-be daughter-in-law?

Aww, keep blushing! You look amazing when your cheeks turn pink. As you relate this sign in your life, I must say you’re blessed with an angel. I hope you treat him the same way he treats you!

3. He’s Excited About Combining Your Lives—Even Your Finances!

Guy combining finances with girlfriend

We don’t randomly ask someone to have a joint bank account with us, right? It’s either a family member or someone very special that we would say that to.

But, if your man has proposed this idea, I think that’s a strong sign he has marriage in his mind. 

You see, the idea is quite simple. When your guy asks for a joint bank account, it shows he is thinking about your future together and is willing to plan the finances in advance. He wouldn’t come and ask ‘just a friend’ to share an account.

4. His Friends Treat You With Respect.

A man talking about his lady in front of his bros… Well, that might be the most romantic thing you’ll read online today.

No offense, but it’s usually a girly trait where ladies share minute details of their boyfriends or dates in their close circle. But a man doing that? That’s a top-tier green flag energy

And if he has told his friends so much about you, they know exactly how important you are in his life. Hence, they will treat you with respect just the way your guy wants them to treat you.

5. He’s Eager to Meet the People Who Matter Most to You.

A guy meeting his girlfriend's dad

He has already shown his intentions by inviting you to his family parties. To add icing on the cake is when he is keen on meeting your family and friends. He has clarified where you belong by introducing you to his parents. Now, he wants to see where he belongs in your life. 

Showing interest in meeting your family is also his way of discovering whether the closest people in your life approve of him being their son-in-law.

Aww, isn’t he the gentleman every girl dreams of?

Think quickly and tell me, dear. If your partner had zero plans to marry you, would he be so bothered to bring up the respective families in the scenario? 

No, right? So take a deep breath and give a smile. If you have related to this and multiple signs discussed so far, trust me when I say this. You’re in the safest hands!

6. He’s Proud to Tell the World that You Belong to Him.

I know a lot of guys who are extra concerned about keeping their relationship a secret from the external world. I mean, yes, keeping things private is okay, but a fine line exists between privacy and secrecy! It’s nothing but their skillful technique to get attention from other chicks

A gentleman, on the other hand, has nothing to hide. He is serious about his girl and has no problem acknowledging her publicly and vocalizing his feelings for her. He wants to marry her, and his intentions are clear.

What’s the scenario at your end? Is your man an open book about how much he loves you?

If you’re nodding yes, sweetie, I have some good news. You are with a gem of a person, and it’s only a matter of time before he proposes to you for marriage.

7. He’s Always Planning the Future With You.

An illustration of a guy planning future with his girlfriend

When a man is super serious about making you his life partner, his actions will repeatedly remind you of his intention. One such behavior would be bringing up future talks often.

He would discuss where he sees the relationship going in the next few years when he plans to settle down, his ideal plans for a new home, and so on.

And, he would ask for your opinions too in this matter. That’s his way of checking whether you are on the same page and are as serious as him about the future.

He wouldn’t put in so much effort if he had zero intentions of marrying you. You’re important in his life; he values your thoughts and plans for the upcoming years together.

8. He Often Uses ‘We’ While Talking.

We can learn a lot by observing how a person is speaking. Let me tell you how. Have you heard him saying ‘we’ often while talking? “We will make this work,” “We will be there together,” and “We have to think of a new idea,” and the list continues.

Do you relate? If yes, here’s what it means: He considers you as an essential part of his life. He thinks of both of you as one, as a team. If he were simply passing his time with you or dating you casually, he wouldn’t be so thoughtful in choosing his words while talking.

9. He Loves Dreaming About Your Perfect Wedding Day Together.

A girl and a guy in wedding attire.

That’s the final closure you need. When the guy brings up topics on how your wedding should look, the theme and location, a list of invites to be sent out, and everything, that’s a direct confession that he is willing to marry you.

Haven’t such a conversation yet? Don’t worry, dear. If you have related the other signs to his behavior, this discussion isn’t far yet!

If you’ve already had it, don’t forget to mention the wedding spot in the comments! I’d love to read.

10. He Tries to Fit In.

Another surefire sign he wants to marry you is when you find him adjusting to your habits to fit in your routine. You’re precious to him; he can’t risk losing you!

But wait… don’t be mistaken here. Trying to fit in doesn’t signify a weak personality, but it’s love in its purest form! When he tries to adjust to your habits, likes, and dislikes, it showcases his efforts and tells how invested he is in the relationship!

Here’s some friendly advice, my friend. You must make him realize that you love him the way he is, and he doesn’t need to walk any extra mile to impress you.

Wrapping Up

With that, it’s time for me to conclude this blog.

I know, dear, that choosing a life partner is not easy. Doubts, insecurities, and fears usually crawl in. But listen up! When you’re with the right person, things will fall into place. 

The right guy will make you forget all the negatives and treat you like his queen. Your heart will know you’re making the right choice by marrying him. You’ll be happy, and everything around you will be blissful. 

Remember sweetie. You deserve the best. Never settle for temporary pleasures, which can leave you with a permanent wound!




Mohar Bhattacharjee

Mohar, a Master’s student in Comparative Literature from Kolkata, has been a digital content writer since 2019.

With over 4 years of experience, she creates practical and relatable guides on relationships, dating, and self-help, drawing from her personal experiences. Mohar ensures her content is accurate and insightful by incorporating real-life examples.

In her free time, you can catch her watching cricket, some romantic Bollywood movies or taking a power nap.


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