9 Painful Signs He Only Sees You as a Friend

Updated On:

Nov 06, 2024

Crushing on a guy but not sure if he feels the same? Learn about 9 ways he might be showing you’re in the friend zone.

An illustration showing a woman holding a heart and a man gesturing 'stop', with text reading "Signs He Only Likes You As a Friend"

Key Takeaways

  • The biggest indicators a guy just likes you as a friend include: he doesn’t make any effort, there’s no romantic chemistry, he’s unwilling to meet you, and he doesn’t treat you special.
  • It’s true that the friendship can turn into romance. with time.
  • If you’ve been friend-zoned and wanna detach yourself from him, it’s better to fade away from his life rather than ghosting.
  • If you’re interested in him and feel he’s avoiding making romantic advances because he’s afraid of hampering your friendship, drop some hints that you like him.

You met a guy and instantly think you want to be with him. He’s dreamy and unique. You’re probably head over heels for him

But what about him? 

Is it just friendship, or could there be something more sizzling beneath the surface?

Don’t worry girl, I’m here to help you out. In this blog, I will share 9 signs a guy has friend-zoned you. I know it’s a bummer, but hey, you deserve to know where you stand with him.

How to Know if a Guy is Friend Zoning You? 9 Clues

1. He Never Initiates Conversations.

Okay, so you’re talking to this one guy you like. You’re texting him, sharing memes online, and sending him cute snaps. But it’s almost always YOU who makes the first move! 

If you’re the only one keeping the lines of communication open but he never makes any effort, he doesn’t see you as more than friend.

Think about it: Would you not reach out to those you care about and want to prioritize? You would, right?

Just like that, if a guy is really into you romantically, he would love to talk to you and spend more time with you. Initiating conversations is one of the ways a guy would show that he’s genuinely interested and eager to connect with you. 

2. He Makes No Effort to Know You.

A guy who's uninterested in conversations with a girl.

You probably spend a lot of time with this guy. Perhaps you have mutual friends, or you both work together. Even so, if he’s not taking a step further to know more about you, I’m sorry, girl, but you aren’t the one for him!

This is precisely what happened to me a few years ago. I’d known a guy for a while, let’s call him George, and we had several casual conversations. But whenever I tried to share something personal about my life, he changed the topic to something light and non-personal. It’s as if he was trying to avoid deeper conversations. 

So, my dear, if the guy you know is not making an effort in this department, it could mean he’s not looking for a deeper connection with you.

But wait a second… Don’t come to this conclusion so soon. I want you to answer this -“How long have you known him?” 

Just a few days or weeks? If yes, you should wait for some more time. But, if you’ve had plenty of conversations over months and he’s still not interested in the more personal aspects of your life, like your thoughts, dreams, or feelings, then it’s time to kiss this guy GOODBYE!

Thank you, next… 

3. There’s No Chemistry Between You.

You know those hugs where your heart skips a beat, and a tingly feeling makes you dance? 

When a guy is into you, you’ll feel that in his hugs. His hugs will be lingering, and you will sense the desire for more. But if it’s just friendship, his hugs will be quick and friendly. 

You may also notice that he teases you often, but he does that with everyone else. He bridges the physical distance with you by sitting or standing closer, but he naturally does that with everyone else.

When there’s romantic chemistry, such moments will be electrifying. And the guy won’t certainly do these things with everyone. 

So, when moments with him are more cozy and less heart-pounding, sorry to say, there’s no chance of romance. 🙁

4. He Wants You to Date Someone Else.

A guy who's happy seeing his female friend is dating other men.

I wanted to see if ‘George’ would get jealous if I told him I wanted to start seeing someone else. So, I thought of telling him about a random guy I was supposedly into. I was excited to see his changed behavior. So, I sent the text with my heart beating at lightning speed. 

I expected a sliver of jealousy in his voice, but to my dismay, there was none. But this is what I got in return: “He seems like a great guy; you should try it.” 😑

George was genuinely supportive, like a best friend. He wasn’t trying to hold me back or compete for my affection. He was genuinely happy to see me explore new romantic possibilities.

It became pretty clear to me that George valued our friendship and wanted the best for me. He wasn’t trying to be anything more than a friend. 

If something similar has happened to you, it clearly shows that the guy doesn’t like you more than a friend.

5. He Never Asks You Out on a Date.

He has all the ingredients for a delicious meal but doesn’t want to cook. 

You have all those times of laughter and sharing a good conversation, but when it comes to taking the next step, like asking you out, he never makes a move. He’s perfectly content with the ‘just friends’ status. 

If that’s your scenario, my dear, you’ve been friend-zoned.

6. He Texts You but Makes No Plans to Meet You.

A girl who's tired of texting a guy disappointedly lying on a sofa seat.

You and this ‘special’ guy talk to each other daily. He sends you funny memes, asks how your day was, and tries to engage in lengthy conversations. And you’re starting to feel you’re building a connection with him through your messages, right? 

But wait… Is he trying to meet you?

If he never takes that next step to turn those cute digital conversations into real-life meetings, he’s not interested in you romantically.

Maybe he enjoys the connection you share through texts and considers you a valuable friend. Still, he’s not taking that extra step to build a real relationship with you.

Remember George? He and I would always text each other. He had a great sense of humor, so talking to him was fun. 

But I noticed that he never tried to meet me in-person. I dropped hints like, “We should catch up some time” or “Let’s grab a coffee,” but his responses were often non-committal. 

He would say something like, “Yeah, that sounds cool,” or “Definitely, we should do that,” but nothing happened. There were no concrete plans and no specific dates set. Just more texting.

So, if this is the ship you’re sailing in, you deserve better, my dear.

7. He Behaves Hot and Cold With You.

Is the guy super attentive, texting you frequently, and being all charming one day but disappearing completely the next? 

He sends you sweet messages, drops cute compliments, and then goes radio silent for days or weeks. Or he texts you to make plans to grab a coffee or watch a movie and then cancels the plan at the last minute. 

If he rides this roller coaster of hot and cold behavior, perhaps he just sees you as a friend.

Now, why is he doing that? Because he might feel a bit more attracted to you for a moment, but it’s not consistent. So, sometimes, he acts more flirty or attentive and then goes back to treating you like a friend because that’s his default setting.

Another reason could be that he’s struggling to set clear boundaries in friendships. He may not realize that his actions are coming across as romantic, even though he genuinely sees you as a friend. 

So, please do yourself a favor and take his mixed signals as his lack of interest in you. 

8. He’s ‘Busy’ All the Time.

A girl asking a guy to meet her but the guy responding he's busy with work.

You text the guy or call him saying that you both should hang out over the weekend, and his response goes something like, “I’d love to, but I’m swamped with work,” or “I’ve got plans already, maybe next time?”


You tell him you found this super cool event next week and think it would be awesome to go together. But guess what? He’s always got some other commitment or suddenly becomes the busiest person in town.

It’s pretty straightforward, in both scenarios, that he just sees you as a friend and nothing more. He’s using the “busyness” excuse to keep some distance, indicating he’s not seeking more one-on-one time with you.

9. He Doesn’t Give You Any Special Treatment.

If a guy is romantically interested in you, he will go out of his way to make you feel special. 

He will plan surprise dates, send sweet and unexpected messages, or give you compliments that make you feel good about yourself. I can vouch for this girl. Guys in love are something else!

So, how is it with your guy? Do you get no extra attention? Does he treat you the same way he treats his other friends? Are there no secret glances, romantic surprises, or unique gestures?

If yes, he only sees you as a friend, not a potential romantic interest.

Can Friendship Turn into Romance?

Alright, let’s talk about turning friendship into romance! Can it happen? You bet it can! But it’s not always easy.

Remember when I told you about George? That story didn’t end how I wanted, but it taught me a lot. Sometimes friends can become lovers, and other times, well, it just doesn’t work out.

So, how can you try to make that friendship blossom into romance? And what might stop it from happening? Let me break it down for you:

Tips to Encourage Romance

  1. Show your flirty side: You’ve been friends for a while, right? Now it’s time to spice things up a bit! Tease him playfully, let your hugs last a little longer, and give him those flirty looks. But keep it light – you’re not trying to be too obvious.
  2. Spend time alone together: Hanging out with friends is fun, but try to get some one-on-one time too. Suggest things that feel like dates without calling them dates. For example, “I heard about this new coffee shop. Want to try it out with me?”
  3. Share your true self: Tell him about your hopes, fears, and dreams. When he feels like he really knows you, he might want to be more than just friends.
  4. Look your best: Time to put away that old t-shirt you always wear on movie nights. When you meet him, dress up a little. He might start seeing you differently!
  5. Give small hints: Mention that you’re looking for someone special. Or talk about how great it is when friends become more. Put the idea in his head, but don’t push it.

But Be Careful! Here’s How You Might Accidentally Stay Just Friends

  1. Being his relationship advisor: If you’re always giving him advice about other girls, he’ll see you as a friend, not a potential girlfriend.
  2. Always being free for him: I know you want to hang out, but if you’re always available when he calls, he might take you for granted. Keep some mystery!
  3. Treating him like your girlfriends: If you’re always talking about other guys you like or inviting him to girls’ night, he’ll think of you as just another friend.
  4. Not caring about how you look around him: If you’re always in your comfy clothes when you’re with him, he might not see you as more than a buddy.
  5. Not showing any romantic interest: If you’re too scared to show you like him, he might never know you’re interested. Sometimes, you need to make the first move!

What to Do If You’ve Been Friend-Zoned?

This ones for you if you want to detach from him as you don’t wanna wait for this friendship to turn into romance or if you feel you’ve been strictly friend-zoned.

Look, I get it. Being stuck in the friend zone isn’t fun. But here’s the thing – you don’t have to cut him off completely. Instead, try fading from his life gradually. It’s easier on both of you and won’t mess up the friendship.

Start by spacing out your texts. If you used to chat every day, maybe wait a day or two before replying. When he asks to hang out, don’t always be available. Say you’re busy (and actually be busy – go do something fun for yourself!).
Gradually, reduce how often you see each other. Maybe skip that weekly coffee meetup once in a while.

The key is to do this slowly. You’re not ghosting him; you’re just creating some breathing room for yourself. This way, he’ll naturally get used to not having you around as much, and you’ll have time to focus on other things – like that hobby you’ve been ignoring or those friends you haven’t seen in ages.

As you fade back a bit, you might find that your feelings start to change too. And once you’ve given yourself some space, you might be able to come back to a real, no-strings-attached friendship. Or you might realize you’re better off moving on completely.

Wrapping Up

That’s it, girl! It was quite a ride, wasn’t it? I talked about so many secrets, helped you understand complex messages, and shed light on subtle cues.

But you know what? You deserve someone who values you and cherishes your presence. It’s okay to seek the love and connection you desire and equally okay to cherish the beautiful friendships that come your way.

My wonderful human being, keep your heart open. You never know who might be waiting for you!


Girl, this is a tough one. It really depends on how strong your feelings are and how well you can handle them.

If being around him hurts too much, it’s okay to take a step back. Your emotional health comes first.

But if you can manage those feelings and value the friendship, you might choose to stay friends.

Alright, listen up! If you think he’s holding back because he’s scared of messing up your friendship, it’s time to drop some hints.

  • Next time you’re hanging out, try letting your touch linger a bit longer when you hug.
  • Laugh at his jokes (even the bad ones) and give him those flirty eyes.
  • Talk about how great it is when friends become more than friends.
  • You could even mention how you think he’d make an amazing boyfriend – for someone else, obviously.

See how he reacts to these little hints. If he’s into you, he might start dropping some hints of his own. And if he’s still not picking up what you’re putting down? Well, at least you tried without risking the friendship.



Saily Sud

Saily Sud

Meet Saily Sud, a wordsmith with years of experience in unraveling the mysteries of the dating world. She’s not just a writer but a storyteller who loves crafting stories that hit every corner of the heart.

Going through a tough time with your partner? Don’t worry; Saily could be your guide to answer every question you might have about your relationship.


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