9 Signs Your Man Is Not Sorry for Hurting You

Updated On:

Oct 27, 2024

Wondering if his apology was real? Check out these 9 signs that show he’s not actually sorry for hurting you. Time to see his true colors!

signs he's not sorry for hurting you

Key Takeaways

  • Guys often struggle to show remorse because of their ego, emotional walls, or simply taking you for granted.
  • Watch out for these major red flags: he shows zero emotion when you’re hurt, makes excuses instead of apologizing, repeats the same hurtful behavior, or worse – tries to play the victim!
  • Sometimes you need to teach him there are consequences. If he hates being ignored, maybe that’s exactly what he needs to realize his mistake.
  • Not everything needs to become a big deal, but don’t brush off serious hurt just to keep the peace.
  • Major betrayals without remorse? Consider walking away. Small bumps? Try working through them. But never make hasty decisions!

So, you’re in a relationship with an irresistible guy. He’s got it all: looks and smarts. But, he recently did something that hurt your feelings deeply.

You expected him to show genuine remorse and make amends. But his response has left you confused and wondering if he’s truly sorry at all.

Your heart wants to believe he feels bad about what happened, but his actions don’t actually reflect it. Something about his behavior doesn’t seem right.

Don’t worry, my dear. In this blog, I’m going to share 9 clear signs he’s not sorry for hurting you. And let me tell you, I won’t hold myself back! I’m here to reveal everything and help you as much as possible. 

Without wasting any more time, let’s begin.

Why He Doesn’t Seem to Feel Sorry?

  • His Ego is Too Big: Look, some guys just can’t handle admitting they messed up. Their pride gets in the way of showing genuine remorse, even when they know they hurt you.
  • He Doesn’t Understand the Impact: Sometimes, your guy might not fully understand how deeply his actions affected you. He might think it’s “not that big a deal” simply because he doesn’t see things from your perspective.
  • He’s Emotionally Disconnected: When a guy is emotionally closed off, he struggles to connect with your feelings. So even when he hurts you, he might not process the emotional weight of his actions.
  • He’s Afraid of Looking Weak: Many guys believe that admitting their mistake and showing remorse makes them look vulnerable. So instead of saying sorry, they put up a defensive wall.
  • He’s Taking You for Granted: Let’s be real – sometimes a guy doesn’t show remorse simply because he’s become too comfortable. He assumes you’ll get over it anyway, so why bother feeling sorry?

How to Tell He Isn’t Apologetic for Hurting You? 9 Clues

1. He Isn’t Concerned At All!

An illustration of a woman trying to talk to an unresponsive man who is turned away, with question marks above and text reading "He Isn't Concerned at All!"

Okay, you’re hurt because your guy did something that really affected you. So, you tried to confront him about it. But all you got in return was cold indifference.

I mean, talk about being a total moron!

He just sits there with a straight face while you express your pain. No emotion, no reaction – just a casual “yeah, I know I did that… so?” or complete emotional shutdown while you’re literally crying in front of him.

Girl, when someone genuinely feels bad about hurting you, they show concern. They get affected by your tears, they respond to your pain. But if your guy is acting like nothing happened or treating your feelings like they’re no big deal, it’s a clear sign he isn’t sorry at all.

2. He’s Making Up Excuses to Justify His Behavior.

Okay, so I’ll talk about the same guy, James, here to explain this point.

As I mentioned earlier, James and I agreed to date each other. One day, he made some really insensitive comments about my career goals in front of our friends. And When I confronted him about it, he immediately came up with excuses. “I was just joking around,” he said. “I didn’t mean it that way.”

Instead of owning up to his mistake, he made excuses to justify his hurtful behavior.

So, If your guy has been making excuses for what he did, just know he doesn’t care that he hurt you.

People only make excuses when they don’t feel bad about what they’ve done. Isn’t it obvious that hurting someone’s feelings deserves a real apology?

3. He’s Repeating His Behavior.

An illustration of a person covering their face while another gestures angrily, with text reading 'He's Repeating His Hurtful Behavior'

Let’s assume he said something that deeply hurt you during an argument, and you clearly told him how much it affected you. You expressed your feelings, and he said sorry at that moment. Now you think, “Okay, I told him how I felt. So he won’t do it again.” 

However, during your next disagreement, he did the exact same thing that hurt you before.

So, if you notice your guy repeating the same hurtful behavior even after you explained how much it affected you, it’s a clear sign his apology wasn’t real.

Girl, I know it hurts! But it’s time to see things for what they are!

4. His Apology Feels Hollow & Insincere.

When a guy has just hurt you and truly regrets it, his apology will show it. His words will be heartfelt, and you’ll feel that he means it.

But if he’s tossing out a quick “sorry” about what happened without any real emotion, that’s a sign he doesn’t really regret what he did.

Look at how he apologized – you can feel it in his tone, see it in his body language, and sense it in how quickly he wants to move past hurting you. His “sorry” feels empty, like he’s just saying it because he has to.

You see, it’s very easy to say sorry, but to mean it takes genuine regret. A guy who truly feels bad about what he did will show real remorse in his apology. He won’t just throw out a quick “my bad” and expect everything to be fine.

5.He’s Acting Like The Victim.

This one’s strange. So, instead of acknowledging how he hurt you, your guy somehow turns himself into the victim when you bring it up.

You try to tell him how much what he did affected you, but suddenly he’s the one who’s being attacked. He starts saying things like, “I can’t believe you’re making me feel bad about this” or “Why are you trying to make me look like the bad guy?”

And yes, let me tell you – if he’s busy playing victim instead of acknowledging how he hurt you, that’s not what being sorry looks like.

6. He’s Unwilling to Communicate.

An illustration of a woman saying "Hello, I need to talk to you!" while a man responds "I'm BUSY, can't talk" with text reading "He's Unwilling to Communicate"

So, after he hurt you, you let him know how you felt about it. You hoped he would reach out to you to make things right, or even try to talk about what happened. But instead… he’s radio silent! He’s not calling, texting, or even trying to talk with you about what happened.

You know why?

It’s because he’s he’s simply not sorry for causing you pain.

In an ideal situation, your guy would want to talk it out, understand how you felt, and work things through. But, if he’s doing everything to avoid discussing what happened, he just doesn’t care about your feelings.

7. He Makes Fun of You for ‘Overreacting.’

“You’re too sensitive, can’t you take a joke?”
“Why are you overreacting? I was just kidding!”

Is this what your guy is saying when you tell him how he hurt you? Does he dismiss your feelings by saying that you’re ‘blowing things out of proportion?’

If so, it’s clear that he’s not sorry for hurting you. And let me tell you… you’re not ‘overreacting’ or ‘blowing things out of proportion’. It’s just that he’s not taking your feelings seriously. He’s making you feel like your emotions are invalid and they don’t matter.

8. He’s Not Willing to Change.

It’s one thing to hurt you with his obnoxious behavior. It’s another not to be willing to change it. 

So you expressed your feelings and told your guy how much he hurt you. How does he react? Does he shrug it off, saying, “This is just how I am,” or “You know I’m not good with this stuff, so just accept it?”

If this is how he’s responding after hurting you, then, my dear, you’re seeing his true colors.

His unwillingness to acknowledge how he needs to handle things differently says much about how sorry he really is.

9. He’s Blaming You for Everything.

An illustration of an angry man pointing and yelling at a woman with downcast eyes, with text reading 'He's Blaming You For Everything'

Does your guy start pointing fingers at you when you bring up how he hurt you? Does he say things like, “You’re too sensitive,” or “You’re overreacting,” or “It’s your fault for taking it that way?”

If he’s turning this around and shifting all the blame onto you, he’s not sorry for what he did. His tendency to blame you instead of acknowledging how he hurt you is the surest sign that he doesn’t feel bad at all.

If the guy genuinely felt sorry, he would say something like, “I understand why that hurt you,” or “I shouldn’t have done that.” You see, taking responsibility for hurting someone’s feelings.

How to Make Him Realize His Mistake?

Btw let me ask you. Have you clearly told him how you feel? And I mean really told him, not just dropping hints hoping he’ll catch on. Men aren’t mind readers (shocking, I know!), so sometimes you need to speak up exactly how their actions hurt you.

But, if you’ve already done that and he still doesn’t seem to care, doesn’t feel sorry, or keeps repeating the same hurtful behavior… well, it might be time for a different approach.

Remember how our parents used to punish us when we were kids? How that made us realize our mistakes real quick? I’m not saying you should ground him or make him write “I’m sorry” a hundred times (though wouldn’t that be something? 😉), but there’s a grown-up version of this that actually works.

Here’s what I mean – you know your guy better than anyone. You know what gets to him, what he really can’t stand. If he hates being ignored, maybe it’s time for some quiet time. Be around him, but let your silence speak volumes about how disappointed you are. And no, this isn’t about being petty – it’s about showing him there are consequences when he hurts you and doesn’t care.

Do this consistently whenever he takes your feelings for granted. Trust me, he’ll start connecting the dots. Either he’ll learn to acknowledge when he hurts you and show genuine remorse, or… well, you’ll learn something about him too.

Look. You can’t force someone to feel sorry, but you can definitely make them realize that hurting you isn’t something they can just brush off.

Should You Just Ignore & Let It Go?

Girl, I know what you’re probably thinking right now – “Maybe I’m making too big a deal out of this? Should I just let it slide?”

Look, here’s the honest truth. Sometimes, when the issue isn’t really that deep and you feel like you might be overthinking it, it’s actually better to just let it go. Not everything needs to turn into a big conversation, and sometimes keeping the peace is worth more than proving a point.

But (and this is a big BUT), if your guy has done something that really hurt you, something that’s still making your heart ache when you think about it and he’s showing zero regret? That’s not something you should ignore, my dear.

Because here’s what happens when you let big things slide: he starts thinking it’s okay to treat your feelings like they don’t matter. And trust me, if he gets away with it once without showing any remorse, he’ll probably do it again. This way, you’ll be allowing him to take you for granted.

So while it’s okay to let the small stuff go, don’t ignore the big things that truly hurt you. Your feelings matter and he needs to understand that.

Should You Consider Walking Away From the Relationship?

I’d say it all comes down to how badly he hurt you and how little he cares about it.

If your guy has done something major – like, say, cheating on you – and he’s walking around without an ounce of regret? That’s a huge red flag waving right in your face. In cases like these, walking away might be the best things you can do for yourself.

However, let’s say it’s one of those usual relationship bumps like he said something thoughtless or made a mistake that hurt you, ending the relationship might be a bit extreme. See, every relationship needs work to flourish, and running away at the first sign of trouble isn’t the answer. Sometimes, you need to stick around and work through the rough patches.

But girl, whatever you decide to do, please don’t make any hasty decisions when your emotions are at peak. Take a breath, take your time, and really think about what’s best for you.

Wrapping Up

So, my dear, it’s a wrap.

Being hurt by someone you care about is never easy, and trying to figure out if they’re truly sorry can be even harder. I hope these signs help you see the situation more clearly.

I’ve laid out all these signs hoping they’ll help you understand what’s really going on with your guy right now. Remember, genuine remorse shows in actions, not just words.

I’ll be back with more such interesting and telltale blogs to help you tackle your relationship better.

Until then, see ya!


Yes, some guys do struggle with expressing their emotions openly. Maybe they weren’t raised to show feelings, or they just find it awkward.

But here’s the thing. If a guy is truly sorry about hurting you, he’ll find some way to show it, even if he’s not great with words. Maybe he’ll be extra attentive, try to make things right through actions, or at least show some change in his behavior.

So if your guy isn’t showing any signs of remorse – not through words, not through actions, not through anything, I’m sorry to break it to you, but he’s probably just not sorry at all.

Oh, this one’s really easy to spot! When a guy apologizes just to shut you up or avoid drama, his “sorry” comes in a pretty obvious way.

He’ll rush through the apology, probably roll his eyes, or say it with an annoyed tone. The classic “fine, I’m sorry, can we drop it now?” is a dead giveaway. And the biggest red flag? He’ll keep doing the exact same thing that hurt you, sometimes just hours after his so-called apology.



Saily Sud

Saily Sud

Meet Saily Sud, a wordsmith with years of experience in unraveling the mysteries of the dating world. She’s not just a writer but a storyteller who loves crafting stories that hit every corner of the heart.

Going through a tough time with your partner? Don’t worry; Saily could be your guide to answer every question you might have about your relationship.


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