13 Beautiful Signs Your Soulmate Is Near!

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Jul 05, 2024

Are you going to meet the love of your life soon? Check out these 13 clear signs your soulmate is near. Time to hear the destiny’s whispers!

Signs your soulmate is near

“The universe has got your back.”

Affirm it with me because the universe truly magically connects you with your other half. Not only does it teach you life lessons, but it also makes you shed your old skin so that you get ready to meet the love of your life. 

Eventually, once you’ve made space for your soulmate to enter your life, the cosmos will send you the magical signs about the same. 

Wanna know what those signs are? Then stay tuned as I share 13 subtle signs your soulmate is near. 

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1. You’ve Been Working on Yourself.

A guy working on his mind and mindset.

Heartbreak can bring emotional turmoil, making you cry every night. So, if you’ve had any previous relationship, you might have gone through a lot after your breakup.

You might have also played the revenge game or dated someone else to make your ex go green with envy. And, of course, all those things now seem like mistakes.

However, now you’ve realized those mistakes were necessary for your life lessons. Further, those experiences have helped you evolve as a human and a soul

Hence, you’ve started to work on yourself to become mentally and emotionally stable. 

Further, as you’ve surpassed that negative phase of your life, you’ve learned to forgive those who hurt you. 

Your wounds have started to heal slowly, and you’ve changed your mindset and lifestyle. I won’t say you’re completely healed, but yes, the more you heal, the more you’ll get ready for new relationships that are right for you. 

And this, my friend, is a sign your soulmate is near. 

2. You’ve Found Balance.

Once you’re over from your past relationships or the wrong expectations of an ideal relationship, you’ve finally found balance in your life. 

Do you know why? Because you now know your soul’s purpose. 

You’re comfortable spending time alone with yourself. Also, you’re excited to pursue your passion. Hanging out with close ones and perfectly managing work-life balance make you smile. 

Caring for your body, mind, and soul makes you fall in love with yourself. Trying out various techniques for relaxation and meditation gives you the ultimate peace. 

In short, you are satisfied with your overall life and live only in the ‘present moment.‘ It’s like the universe is creating a space for your soulmate to enter your life that is perfectly aligned with theirs. 

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3. Your Gut Tells You So.

Have you ever had a gut feeling about something in your life? I’m sure you’ve had because we all are connected to the universe, which talks to us from our subconscious mind. 

But how does your gut indicate that your soulmate is about to enter your life?

Well, the most important thing is you’re not desperate to meet the love of your life. You feel calm and surreal from within. 

Your body, mind, and soul are perfectly aligned with each other. You know things will fall into place at the right time. 

Also, even if you’re unaware that someone you’ve just met or is already present in your life is your soulmate, the universe will let you know. 

For example, my friend Rajani shared her experience. She said: 

“The moment I met Jai, we stared at each other. There were butterflies in my stomach, and we were deeply lost in each other’s eyes. 

I don’t know how to explain, but my gut said we knew each other from past lives. I knew at that very moment he was my soulmate.”

Thus, whether you’ve met them in the physical realm or not, your gut tells you your soulmate is near.

4. You Experience Too Many Deja Vus’.

Deja vu is an experience where you feel like you’ve met the person before. Or when you visit a new place, you feel like, “Oh! I think I’ve been here before!” You don’t know how, but your heart knows the truth. 

Do you know why you experience deja vu? It’s because your soul has reincarnated and has a memory of its own. And thus, you feel an instant connection to even a stranger. 

It’s like someone has cast a magical spell on you, and you keep talking to them, like carrying forward the conversation from your past life.

If you’ve noticed that you’ve been experiencing a lot more Deja vus’ in the past, it’s a sign your soulmate is near.

Here is one example of a Reddit reader: 

The other day, I had a deja vu moment from a text conversation with her. We were talking about destiny and the purpose of our meeting. The way I messaged her felt like I wasn’t the one writing it.

5. You Have Firm Expectations From Your Relationship.

A guy having firm expectations of honest, caring, respectful, and trustfulness from his partner.

Now that you’ve learned from your past mistakes, the chaos in your mind is over! 

You’ve pulled yourself together, so your thoughts are just like a calm sea where you can see the reflection of your vision. 

Besides, your core values now matter a lot to you, and you know where you need to compromise and set the boundaries in a relationship. 

Further, you want an honest, caring, and respectful partner. You’re firm that trust should be the foundation of your relationship.

As your expectations are suddenly re-aligning and becoming more realistic, it’s a significant sign your soulmate is near.

6. You Dream About Them.

“Can you feel your soulmate before you meet them?” If you’re having this question, perhaps you’ve started to dream about them, or their face feels familiar. 

Am I right? Yes? I can see you blushing, my friend. 

So yes, you can feel your soulmate before they meet you in the real world. 

Seeing them in your dreams can be a spiritual sign your soulmate is near. The dream is not just an ordinary dream you forget once you wake up from your slumber. 

Then what’s the difference, you may ask? Okay, let me make it clear to you. 

Your dream about this person occurs in the “astral plane,” where your soul leaves the body, and you meet at a higher frequency level.

And you know what’s the most astonishing thing about this astral dream? 

You can literally feel or touch them. You can hear their words, heartbeats, or even their breath. It’s an incredible experience!

The dream is so vivid and real that it feels like you’re meeting them in the physical world. And when you open your eyes after the dream is over, you feel a surreal bliss within you.

7. You Have Suddenly Developed an Unwavering Faith in the Universe.

A girl praying to god.

After learning the lessons from your past relationships, you now understand destiny’s role in your life. You’ve now started to trust that tiny voice whispering within you. Also, you’re in love with the idea of completely surrendering to the universe. 

Do you know why? 

Because your gut knows the universe will bring you a partner that aligns with your life purpose. You do believe in the divine timing and the process of the universe. Once you’ve surrendered, you feel content from within. 

And what’s more? You become more open to receiving and acknowledging the signs from the universe. Besides, you don’t have any expectations about when things will fall into place. 

This trust in the universe is a sign your soulmate is near to you. Because, my dear friend, they come into your life when you least expect them.

8. You Can’t Resist the Urge to Embrace New Opportunities.

Have you recently noticed that you love to try out new things? And thus, you have the urge to get out of your comfort zone and explore different opportunities.

This sudden urge is the Universe’s way of helping you get out of your house and meet new people. 

Else, how would you meet your soulmate? Right? 

You might visit a new place, trek with like-minded friends, or accept a job in another city with more career-growth opportunities. 

I would like to share here my friend Ankita’s beautiful story: 

Ankita was deeply involved in a serious relationship with Aman. But after her breakup and crying for months, she accepted her fate and decided to move on. 

Once Ankita started to heal, she felt an urge to join a dancing academy. And guess what? While shaking a leg with her dance partner, Ankita found her soulmate, Vasu. 

See, isn’t everything magical about the universe? 

Also, you might’ve noticed that the Universe doesn’t allow you to resist the urge to accept new opportunities in life, which is a sign your soulmate is somewhere around the corner. 

9. Smiling Couples Are All Around You.

Smiling and happy couple sitting on a bench in a park in front of a girl.

Have you started seeing happy couples around you recently? Like the ones walking hand-in-hand and lost in their own world? 

But you know what? You won’t just come across any random couples flirting with each other. Instead, you’ll see the divine souls radiating their vibrant energy, and thus, you’ll genuinely feel their joy. 

And do you know why you keep seeing such types of relationships? 

It’s because the universe wants to tell you, “Hey, I’m showing you these relationships as you, too, are going to manifest one soon!” How cool, isn’t it?

10. You Don’t Need Them.

Another sign your soulmate is near you is you don’t feel the need to have them in your life. 

Why? Because you’re happy with your current state of life and are focusing on your internal energies.

And most importantly, do you know that soul energies don’t work on neediness

Yes, you read it right, my dear friend! 

When someone is desperate to have their soulmate, they create blockages in the path, which delays the process of meeting their soul connection

11. You Vibrate at a High Energy Frequency.

A happy and excited girl vibrating at a higher frequency.

How do you know your soulmate is coming? One of the signs is when you start vibrating at a higher frequency.

And do you know what happens when your energy levels are high? You act in a state of alignment or complete awareness of the present moment. 

Also, a pure, blissful, and divine energy flows within you. And that’s why animals, kids, or even strangers get attracted to you. 

As it is said, like attracts like; people having the same journey as you and those vibrating at the same frequency will get attracted to you. 

Further, you feel spiritually uplifted, and your inner voice guides you. You need no reason to smile. This high-vibrational energy is necessary for you to nurture your relationship. 

Finally, the universe picks up your energy to connect your soul with your other half. 

12. Previous Relationships Make You Wise.

Your previous relationship might’ve failed because its primary purpose was to teach you lessons and help you grow. 

Now, think about it. Haven’t you changed your certain habits, thoughts, or life patterns? Or haven’t you started loving yourself more after your breakup? You did, right?

And if you were in a codependent relationship, you might have now understood the importance of being emotionally independent. 

Also, as you’ve healed from your previous wounds, you might’ve learned that people enter your life for a reason, and some of them move out of your life once the purpose is fulfilled.

Now, you’re sorted and happy with yourself. You’ve grown after learning from a previous relationship, which is a sign your soulmate is near. 

13. Synchronicities Play a Major Role in Your Life.

Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences created by the universe to communicate with your soul and guide you on the right path. 

For instance, you see repetitive numbers such as 1111, 2222, 3333, and 7777 on a clock, number plates, or as phone numbers. Especially, 1111 is a prevalent sign saying someone is about to come into your life. 

Or you might repeatedly come across a particular name on TV, radio, or while reading a book. 

Another synchronicity sign is you might feel a magnetic pull toward a stranger, indicating your soulmate is near.

For instance, here is one example of my friend Pranita, who shared her experience with me:

“I felt a massive pull toward Krish when we first met. When we felt truly connected on a soul level, there were butterflies in my stomach, and it felt like the world shifted slightly on its axis. 

Everything around me was the same, but it all felt different. I just knew I wanted to be with Krish.”

Wrapping Up

In the end, Even if you trust the universe, keep your mind and heart open to recognize these signs. 

Get on the ball and notice the repeating signs to note them down. Slowly, you’ll understand the message of the cosmos once you beef up your intuition. 

You’ll realize the cosmos has your back, showing that your soulmate is near you. 



Megha Kadam

Megha Kadam

Megha Kadam is a passionate spiritual content writer who loves to dive deep into the spiritual world.

Also, being in the tarot profession for more than a decade, she believes her content can inspire, heal, and uplift the soul of the readers.

Other than writing and reading tarot cards for her close ones, Megha loves cooking and playing with children which keeps her inย highย spirits!


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