18 Subtle Signs of High Feminine Energy
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Are you actually balancing your energies well? Check out these 18 signs of high feminine energy!
People consider feminine energy a weak personality trait whenever someone talks about it.
However, the reality is that feminine essence is extremely powerful, helping you balance your masculine energy. Your feminine spirit brings zeal and meaning to your otherwise soulless life.
People high on their feminine spirit live vibrant lives filled with love, care, and happiness.
So, are you one of them?
Let’s find out. Right now, I’ll share 18 signs of high feminine energy, which will help you know whether you have these traits. Keep reading!
1. You Have a Magnetic Aura.
If people are drawn to your charismatic personality, know your feminine energy is roaring high. You’re appealing and intriguing, and you influence others in no time.
The moment you step into a room, people feel the vibes in their surroundings have suddenly changed. Such is the magic of your magnetic aura, which makes you stand out in the crowd.
Further, the glow on your face radiates your inner beauty, and the sparkle in your eyes emits your inner light. People love to be around you because you create a lasting impression on them. Your charisma is as alluring as a mermaid’s beauty, which gives your feminine aura magnetic energy.
2. You’re Receptive Towards Life.
Receptivity is a state of mind and consciousness. One of the signs that your feminine energy is high is that you’re receptive to life. Thus, you’re open to receiving new ideas, gifts, compliments, help, and love from others.
So, my dear friend, tell me. Have you ever wondered why people step away from seeking help? It’s because they fear coming across others as a weak person. But as you’re comfortable being in a receiving state, you allow things and people to come to you naturally.
Apart from this, as you have complete faith in the universe, you actively receive what life offers. Hence, you don’t force any outcome or situation to go your way.
This attitude shows you’re aligned with the higher energy and can gracefully receive abundance in your life.
3. You’re Nurturing and Compassionate Towards Everyone.
Your nurturing and compassionate nature is another sign of your high feminine energy.
Not only are you nurturing toward others, but you care deeply for your physical, emotional, and mental well-being, too.
You like to help people and make them feel comfortable and safe in your presence. You radiate humility, selfless love, and kindness wherever you go. People feel motherly love in you because your kindness reaches their souls.
Moreover, even animals and children get attracted to you. Their sensitivity makes them feel your divine love for them.
4. Your Warm and Welcoming Nature Makes Others Comfortable.
When people feel comfortable around you, it shows you’ve got a warm and welcoming personality, a sign of high feminine energy.
You don’t make instant judgments about them; just let them be for who they are.
You also like to take a genuine interest in other people’s lives. When someone comes up to you to share their interests or ideas, you always give them undivided attention.
Also, if someone hurts you, you’re ready to forgive them. Thus, it is possible for you to have a harmonious relationship with everyone and shine brightly with your divine light.
5. You’re Elegant and Graceful.
Another sign your feminine energy is high is you are as elegant and graceful as a swan on a lake!
You carry yourself with a style that compliments your personality. Your fashion sense is classy, and you know how to dress elegantly for any occasion. Besides, when you do makeup, people see your highlighted features that bring out your feminine energy.
If you’re a man, your elegant dressing sense is no less than that of your female circle. You’re known for your class and unique taste. You walk purposefully, and people can sense your confidence in your interactions.
You know how to keep yourself calm and deal with a difficult situation. Not only this, but your elegant personality shines bright when you treat everyone with respect.
6. You Feel Whole From Within.
When you feel whole from within, you’re calm, peaceful, and content, a sign of high feminine energy. You feel the divine source within you, which makes you feel connected to everyone in this world. Thus, this state of inner wholeness makes you experience the changes in your life from within.
You don’t do anything out of neediness to make you feel complete. Whatever you do in your life, you do it because you feel inspired from within to take specific actions.
Besides, your happiness is not dependent on any external circumstances or people. You’re always grateful to the universe for all the blessings in your life, which uplifts your spirit. Due to this, your divine feminine nature radiates peace at every moment of your life.
7. You Like to Reflect on Yourself.
Another sign your feminine energy is high is you like to reflect on yourself.
Thus, my friend, you understand yourself better when you dive deep into your inner world and analyze your thoughts, feelings, and actions. You know your strengths and weaknesses, your likes and dislikes.
Reflecting on yourself is about going through an inner journey and getting the answers within you. Your subconscious mind helps you to identify all those traits within you that you’re unaware of.
It enables you to make a conscious effort in the areas of growth or change. In such a way, you’re able to set realistic goals and take accurate steps to achieve those by reflecting on yourself.
8. You’re in Touch With Your Feelings.
Your feminine energy is high when you’re in touch with your feelings. It means you can understand your anger, sadness, grief, anxiety, depression, or joy. Thus, when you’re able to name them, it becomes easy for you to express them more appropriately in front of others.
You know when to express your sentiments and when to hold them back. You know how to deal with your emotions without losing your calm and how to let go of painful events instead of brooding for a long time.
Apart from this, understanding your feelings also helps you understand the feelings of others on a deep level, thus helping you foster meaningful connections with others.
9. You’re a Creative Soul.
Feminine energy is about creating something new and putting it into the world, just like Mother Nature. And thus, when you indulge in creativity, you align yourself with her energy.
You love to express yourself in ways where your creative juices get flowing. Be it making sand castles, carving wood, painting, reading, writing, or beating your ass by playing an instrument.
Your emotions tend to flow freely and create something that satisfies your soul. Not only this, but you also like to appreciate the creativity of others and push them further to nurture their passion.
Also, when life throws curve balls in your court, you come up with innovative ideas and solutions by tapping into your feminine energy.
10. You Embrace Your Inner Darkness.
Embracing your inner darkness is another sign of your high feminine energy.
Most people hide their shadow self from others and even from themselves. But, my friend, you’ve accepted yourself with all bad traits such as anger, guilt, jealousy, shame, unworthiness, and all other things you don’t like about yourself.
You’ve stopped suppressing your thoughts, emotions, and feelings. Instead, you’ve understood your life’s negative patterns and worked on your shadow self to overcome your fears and insecurities.
Besides, by relieving these negative traits, you’ve tapped into your hidden talent and inner strength. Thus, it has helped you bring new insights into your negative life patterns. In such a way, embracing your inner darkness has made your feminine essence feel more fulfilled.
11. You Embrace Your Sensuality.
When you take pleasure in everything you do daily, you get more tuned in with your inner self and become calm and stable from within. Thus, you become more aware of the present moment and indulge wholeheartedly in your sensory experiences.
For instance, you can feel the touch of the sand as you walk barefoot under the sun. When you listen to your favorite song, the lyrics and the rhythm of the music uplift your spirit. Besides, when you savor delicious food, you can taste all the ingredients in the dish.
If you feel your senses have risen and you’ve started enjoying every moment, consider it a sign of your high feminine energy.
12. You Practice Gratitude in Everyday Life.
Are you someone who likes to always thank your lucky stars or focus on blessings?
Yes? That’s great! Because when you’re grateful, you get connected with your higher self. Thus, this connection brings you to a receiving state, a sign of high feminine energy. You become a magnet and attract all the good things in your life.
Besides, being grateful for life helps open up your heart chakra, where you feel all your emotions. Thus, your heart is filled with abundant love and happiness that you spread in your surroundings.
As Arianna Huffington says:
Living in a state of gratitude is the gateway to grace.
The more grateful you are, the more your emotional energy flows through you gracefully, thus enhancing the feminine side of your personality.
13. You Take Full Responsibility for Your Life.
When your soul understands you’re in charge of your life, know you have a high feminine energy within you.
You believe your decisions are solely your responsibility, regardless of their consequences. Thus, you feel no point in blaming external situations or people.
You know how to embrace this attitude because you’re deeply connected to your inner self, which gives you the confidence to live life gracefully and confidently.
When you take responsibility for everything, you feel empowered from within. It shows your confidence, inner strength, and resilience. It also means you see yourself as the creator of your life, which is a strong trait of feminine essence.
14. You have a Healthy and Fulfilling Relationship With Others.
If you are the one who puts great effort into maintaining relationships, consider it as a sign of your high feminine spirit. When your feminine energy is high, you feel good about yourself and give your best to your every relationship.
Besides, your kind, compassionate, and nurturing nature radiates love toward everyone. That’s why even your friends are like your family.
You have mutual respect, trust, and open communication with everyone around you. People feel heard, valued, appreciated, and supported by you, which helps you create deep bonds with everyone.
Apart from this, the strong emotional connection between you and others allows you to dissolve any conflicts constructively and respectfully.
15. The Moon Energy Influences You.
As you know, the moon impacts your energy and emotions and thus is a powerful symbol of feminine power.
If you find your emotions running high, heaviness in your heart, or down in the dumps at sunset, know moon tides affect your energy. When you get affected by moon tides in such a way, it shows you’re empathetic, a sign of high feminine energy and your inner spiritual strength.
You might feel interested in moon rituals and meditations where you connect with your inner self under the crystal ball. Being intuitive, you find guidance under the moon as it reflects your inner world.
Apart from this, if you’re a woman, you might’ve realized your menstrual cycle is aligned with that of a new moon or full moon instead of your monthly calendar.
16. You Are Comfortable With Changes in Life.
Do you like life changes? You do, right? As it is said, “Change is a musical note in life’s symphony!”
Whether in relationships, careers, or people changing their colors occasionally, you’re comfortable with these changes and love embracing bad days as much as the good ones. Being able to cope with change is known as resilience, a sign of high feminine energy.
Apart from this, you believe everything happens for a reason, and there is a divine timing for everything to occur in the universe. Thus, you believe in going with the flow of life instead of resisting the change and are open to new opportunities and growth.
17. You Are Eager to Seek Feminine Friendships.
When your feminine energy is high, you desire to connect with other women in your circle. You like spending quality time with them because your soul feels enriched as you cherish those feminine moments.
Do you know why you feel enchanted with this type of energy? It’s because there is a free flow of emotions, and the air is filled with love, kindness, empathy, and care.
Therefore, your souls feel like dancing as you celebrate and nurture each other’s feminine spirit. Celebrating sisterhood and encouraging and supporting female peers indicate your sacred feminine energy is high.
18. You Maintain Strong Boundaries.
As Doreen Virtue says:
Boundaries are a part of self-care. They are healthy, normal, and necessary.
Thus, drawing a line while maintaining relationships shows you care for your emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being.
For instance, when you prioritize your needs, you’re able to:
- Say ‘No’ to people who take you for granted.
- Take a stand for yourself when a problematic situation arises.
- You let go of toxic relationships that make you doubt your self-worth.
Thus, having a more profound sense of self-awareness and self-care shows your enhanced sacred energy, which protects your personal space without hurting anyone’s sentiments. Not only this, you’re also always ready to give space to others and respect their boundaries, too.
I’m sure by now you’ve got the signs of your high feminine energy and are already embracing these divine powers unknowingly.
Even if other people think of feminine energy as weak, know you are a strong and beautiful soul on this planet who deserves to live an enriching life filled with the shakti of divine feminine energy.