14 Spiritual Signs You Met Your Soulmate (Don’t Miss!)

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Jul 05, 2024

Are you having a special connection with someone you just met? Check out these 13 spiritual signs you met your soulmate!

Spiritual signs you met your soulmate

And isn’t it just so pretty to think
All along, there was some invisible string
Tying you to me?

These lines are from Taylor Swift’s song, Invisible Threads. It is the idea you’ve already met your soulmate long before you realize it. 

So, is this the case with you? Have you met your soulmate? Or are you two minds almost the same? Well, don’t worry, my dear friend.  

Let’s find it out as in this blog, I’ve shared 14 spiritual signs you met your soulmate. 

1. You Have a Sense of Familiarity With Your Kindred Partner.

How do you know you’ve met your soulmate? So, the first sign is you feel familiar with each other. Now you might wonder, if you’re seeing them for the first time, how do they feel so familiar? Right? 

The thing is, my friend, your soul has recognized your other half from its past life. Therefore, all the memories stored in the subconscious mind have now come to the surface. Although you don’t remember their face, your soul recognizes them based on their energy.

Also, as we all know, our bodies perish, but the souls remain eternal in the form of energy. When two kindred spirits meet, their divine energy gets activated, making them seem familiar to you. 

2. You Feel an Instant Sparkling Connection.

A girl and a guy having great bonding sitting together.

Another spiritual sign you’ve met your better half is you feel an instant connection with them

Think about it. Do you always feel an instant sparkling connection whenever you meet new people in your life? No, right? 

Why? Because, we all know, these acquaintances are ordinary. But when it comes to your soulmate, the story is altogether different. After all, they are your soulmates for a reason. Most importantly, this relationship has a divine blessing, pushing you toward each other. 

3. You Experience Synchronicities.

Ah! Synchronicities. They are the most common and favorite signs of many lovers. Why? It’s because synchronicities create meaningful and deep connections between two souls. 

Alongside, it connects the material world to the spiritual world through symbols such as angel numbers or feathers to seek your attention.

One of the favorite synchronicities every soulmate would like to experience is their love story being portrayed or names used for the least characters in movies or TV serials. By showing a relatable situation through movies, the universe tells you that you are made for each other.  

Such synchronicities help you believe whatever happens is according to the divine plan. As Gabriele Hannemann says in her book, “The Truth About Soulmates,” “The purpose of these synchronicities is for you to keep faith in your relationship.” 

4. You Feel a Sense of Divine Peace From Within.

A girl sitting peacefully in a garden.

mind that is peaceful and surreal is divine, isn’t it? 

Do you know when you experience such peace, my dear friend? Yes, being with your soulmate brings the calm and peaceful energy that gives you immense satisfaction and happiness. 

Now, if you think being at peace means no problems or conflicts in your relationship, then you’re wrong.

Peace simply means that despite conflicts, you still have deep faith that everything will eventually be fine. There’s no doubt, anger, or jealousy within you. You know you’re with the right person at the right time and the right place. 

Due to these peaceful thoughts, you aren’t unnecessarily anxious about your future or get upset with petty relationship issues. 

5. You Share Common Values and Beliefs to Fulfill Life Mission.

Another sign you’ve met your soulmate is you share common values and beliefs. Do you know why? It’s because you both share a joint life mission. 

Now, please don’t think it’s about common hobbies like traveling the world or going for wildlife photography together. No! A big no! 

My dear friend, it’s more about you aligning on a deeper level with your soulmate. You both share a vision for life that helps you evolve as a person as well as a soul on a spiritual level

It’s about working together to heal each other, to shed your old skin, and to know what has been left incomplete in your past life. It’s also about learning the life lessons to help your soul evolve

What greater thing is there for two human souls than to feel that they are joined to strengthen each other, to be at one with each other in silent unspeakable memories. 

~George Eliot

6. You Experience Sudden Mood Swings.

A girl and her multiple mood swings.

My dear friend, have you ever suddenly felt anxious for no reason? For instance, your mood suddenly went down in the dumps even when it was perfectly normal? Yes? 

Why do you think you got anxious out of nowhere? Did someone piss you off? Did someone leave your WhatsApp message on Read? No? Then what happened?

Chill, my friend, it’s nothing but your soulmate’s anxious energy impacting your mood. The reason is that when two souls are divinely connected, they experience intense empathy toward each other. 

For example, they might be worried about something and also deeply thinking about you. Thus, their disturbed energy reaches you, and your soul realizes something is wrong with your kindred partner.  

In such a way, you understand each other’s emotions even when you are apart and, therefore, can provide exact comfort and support to them whenever needed.

7. You Experience the Magic of Unspoken Words.

Another sign you’ve met your soulmate is you don’t need any words to speak to each other. 

Hey, how is that even possible? You may ask. 

My dear friend, not only is love blind, but it also doesn’t need words to express your true feelings.

To explain it further, when you connect at a soul level, your relationship becomes divine. Thus, your soul vibrates at a higher frequency where no words are needed to communicate with another soul. 

The place beyond the physical realm works on energies and vibrations. Therefore, your deep thoughts reach them as energy, and you can feel and hear each other’s emotions, thoughts, and feelings. 

If you’re deeply involved with your soulmate, you can understand the magic of unspoken words. 

8. You Have a Strong Magnetic Attraction for Them.

Do you feel butterflies in your stomach whenever you meet your special one? Or your heart skips a beat when you think about them? Yes? Hey, I can see you blushing, my friend. 

Well, the etheric bond between your souls is so strong that you have a magnetic attraction. 

You might miss some signs given by the universe about your soulmate. But every time you see this person, you’ll realize something in them moves your spirit. 

So, my dear friend, know you’ve met your soulmate if you feel such attraction toward someone. 

9. You Keep Thinking About Them 24/7.

A guy thinking about a girl 24X7.

When you first met the love of your life, you gave them undivided attention and later got carried on with your work. Ahh, but now you can’t recall what you did before meeting them because you’re completely lost in their thoughts. 

So you try hard to focus on your work again. Their thoughts are back with a bang. Why is this happening? Don’t worry. I’ll tell you the reason. 

The thing is, the divine connection isn’t letting you forget your partner, as it is the time to work on your soul contract. The cupid’s arrow hits you perfectly as the music plays in the background. 

This is what happens when you meet your soulmate, my friend. You keep thinking about them 24/7.

10. You Both Want to Grow in Love.

As Gabriele Hannemann says in her book

All spiritual seekers across all traditions have always agreed that deep happiness comes only from one source, and that is moving towards more love. Thus, as true soulmates, you know this secret and have dedicated your lives to it.

Besides helping you grow personally and spiritually, the most profound purpose of meeting your soulmate is also to make you grow in love. 

If you communicate openly, forgive each other, and face challenging situations maturely, you’re growing in a relationship with your soulmate.

11. You Often Connect at 11:11 or 12:21.

When you accidentally connect with your partner exactly at ’11:11′ or ’12:21,’ know you’ve met your soulmate. 

Yes, my friend, these are the angel numbers that help you to move ahead on your love path. You’ll never miss out on these magical numbers if you’re conscious enough to recognize the universe’s signs. 

Here’s what might happen. You’re busy with your work, and suddenly, you feel an urge to contact your soulmate. You pick up your cell, type your lovely message filled with heart emojis, and hit the send button. 

And guess what? When you look at your chats, you’ll see your message has reached them exactly at 11:11. 

Do you think it’s a coincidence? If you do, think again, my friend, because getting such angel number timings as guidance from the divine is too rare.

12. It Feels Like Home When You’re With Each Other.

A girl and a guy hugging and comforting each other.

Another sign you’ve met your soulmate is it feels like home when you’re with them.

Imagine you’re going to your friend’s place for an overnight stay. You have all the comforts and spend your time with fun and laughter. But still, you’re conscious while spending time at their place. Isn’t it? 

However, when you return home, you’re comfortable, yourself, and at peace. The same things happen when you’re with your soulmate! 

You’re always happy in your skin, so you don’t feel the pressure to be loud if you’re an introvert. Or if you’re an extrovert, you aren’t asked to tone down your voice. You’re free to be who you are as an individual. 

13. Astrology Gives You Hints.

Astrology can help you understand whether you’ve met your soulmate. 

For example, the first house in astrology represents you, and the seventh house represents your partner. If your first house is Aries, that is number 1; the seventh house will be the Libra sign, number 7. Thus, if you’re an Aries and your partner is a Libra ascendant or Moon, you both are under each other’s love spell. 

Another thing we astrologers see is the position of Mars in the girl’s chart and Venus in the boys’ chart. If they are in the same sign or trine to each other, it shows a high affection between the two of you. 

Apart from this, the connection of your Moon with their Rahu shows your karmic connection, and Ketu shows your past life with them. 

So, my friend, if you have any doubt about your soulmate relationship, I suggest you consult an astrologer and get proper guidance. 

14. Times Stands Still When You’re Together.

My friend, have you ever felt like time stands still when you’re with the love of your life? 

Let me give you an example. Imagine you’re hanging out together and talking about almost all the topics in the world. The sunny air is filled with fun, laughter, and giggles. 

Also, a blissful energy flows between you two, making you forget everything around you. Due to this hypnotized energy, you lose track of time as the day passes from minutes to hours. 

You could’ve met them at 11 in the morning. But when you look at your watch, it’s 7 in the evening in the blink of an eye. 

If you’ve ever felt the same with your other half, take it as a spiritual sign you’ve met your soulmate. 


I hope you’ve understood the spiritual signs showing you’ve met your soulmate. 

You might even resonate with some signs but still feel unsure about your connection. Do you know why this happens? 

It’s because you aren’t conscious enough to understand the hints the universe gives. Therefore, you need to be alert and open to receive those cues. Else, you’ll keep receiving wake-up calls from the cosmos and still keep asking, 

Time, curious time
Gave me no compasses, gave me no signs
Were there clues I didn’t see?
And isn’t it just so pretty to think
All along there was some
Invisible string
Tying you to me?

~ Invisible String, Taylor Swift



Megha Kadam

Megha Kadam

Megha Kadam is a passionate spiritual content writer who loves to dive deep into the spiritual world.

Also, being in the tarot profession for more than a decade, she believes her content can inspire, heal, and uplift the soul of the readers.

Other than writing and reading tarot cards for her close ones, Megha loves cooking and playing with children which keeps her inย highย spirits!


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