11 Things Men Want From Women in a Relationship 

Updated On:

Jul 29, 2024

Curious what he really wants? Discover 11 things men crave in relationships. You might be surprised by what truly matters to him!

Things men want from women in a relationship

“Men these days are all about physical intimacy. They don’t value emotional attachment at all!” 

I used to believe these lines wholeheartedly until I met my present lover, Ankit.

If you’re dating a boy, he’ll always disappoint you with new means. But if you’re with a Man, he will make you fall in love with him daily. A gentleman doesn’t only want sexual attention from his lady. Love, effort, care, and trust from his girl are all on his bucket list. 

If you have just entered a relationship, you might wonder how to make your guy go crazy about you. Or, you might be quarreling with him often and worried about how to improve it.

Well, my dear, you need to observe what he wants from you and expects from the relationship. 

Trust me when I say this: Men in love are the sweetest creatures. If you treat them well, they make the world the best place for you!

Can’t wait to know what men usually want from women? Let me help you. In this blog, I’ll share 11 things a man needs in a relationship.

Sit tight and start reading!

1. He Wants You to Be Self-Confident. 

A man wants his lady to be strong and a high-value woman; that’s what makes him proud of his partner. If he consistently sees you as a person with a weak personality, it’s likely to turn him off. By weakness, I mean a girl with zero ambition and nil self-confidence. 

He is working hard to build his future. The last thing he needs by his side is a non-serious girl who doesn’t know what she’s doing with her future. If both of your goals are not aligned in the long term, conflicts will emerge. 

So here’s some friendly advice, my friend. Be invested in and be there for him, but don’t lose yourself. Don’t try too hard to impress him, be yourself. Work on your dreams and be the confident lady he will fall in love with over and over again. 

2. He Wants You To Be His Home.

A man hugging a woman, sitting on couch.

Don’t be mistaken; I don’t mean any physical entity here. But by home, I mean his peace, his support system, a shoulder when he needs it. I’m sure you have seen a famous quote: “Sometimes, home is a person.” It’s that homely feeling and the sense of belonging that he craves in his lady. 

His life might already be difficult—responsibilities, finances, assignments, future plans, etc.- but his love life needs to be the least of his worries. He needs a woman who stays through everything, listens to his rants, and doesn’t judge him for expressing emotions.

When he knows he has a lovely partner, the world becomes a better place for him.

3. He Wants You To Be a Little Possessive.

Not everyone will tell you this, but here’s a secret. Most men love it when their girl gets a little possessive about them. 😏 They’re thrilled by the fact that she’s scared to lose them and can’t stand somebody else third-wheeling to get her boyfriend’s attention. 

Be honest here and tell me. Wouldn’t you love it if he acts possessive toward you if another guy tries to be too friendly? 🤭The psychology is the same for him; your possessiveness assures him of your care and love towards him. 

My cheeks are turning pink as I write this, but I have lately observed this trait in my lover, Ankit. He might not speak it out loud, but he likes it when I play a ‘possessive girlfriend.’

But wait… Remember, don’t go overboard with your possessiveness. That could lead to toxicity, and that’s not something your man would love. 

4. He Wants You to Understand His Love Language.

Hands holding each other

We are all different human beings with different preferences. The guy’s love language might differ from yours, and he expects you to understand that. For instance, ‘spending quality time together’ may be your love language, while he might prefer ‘words of affirmation.’ 

Hence, if you don’t compliment him, tell him how proud you are of him, or tell him how blessed you are to have him in your life, he will likely feel less loved.

When I started dating Ankit, I bombarded him with gifts. However, with time, I understood his love language was physical touch and behaved accordingly to make him feel better. That’s precisely what your man needs from you, too.

Observe him, understand his preferences, and treat him well. He’d be happy, feel pampered, and be blessed to have a partner like you in his life. 

5. He Wants You to Trust Him.

The most important thing a man wants is trust from his partner. If his girl is always being unnecessarily dramatic, suspects him of taking unfair means, and throws tantrums, the relationship becomes difficult for him. 

As I mentioned earlier, he might already be struggling with other things, but his relationship should give him ultimate peace. If you’re not doing that and taunting him for every little thing and not trusting him, he’s likely to pull away

No matter how much he loves you, he wouldn’t want to be in a suffocating relationship. Moreover, he needs a partner who trusts and respects him, not someone who doesn’t bother respecting his feelings. 

Here’s my tip, sweetie: If something about him bothers you, talk to him directly instead of holding grudges. It’ll resolve a lot of issues. 

6. He Wants You to Put Effort.

Woman hiding bouquet from a man that she's about to give him.

Suppose you two fought, and now you’re angry with him. You expect him to call you, come up to you, and melt your anger, don’t you? His efforts assure you of his love and care for you. And sweetie, that’s precisely what he needs from you, too. 

When he is upset over something, he expects you to be polite, break the ice, and adore him instead of showing him attitude. After all, he’s a human being with emotions, right? It’s very natural for him to want the minimum effort from his partner to keep the relationship going. 

Suppose he angrily texted you that he doesn’t want to talk. So, instead of taking it to heart, text or call him back.

Or, if you haven’t met in a while, schedule a time to meet him, at least for an hour.

Those efforts count, showing your interest in sticking to the relationship through thick and thin.

7. Let Him Be Your Hero.

Yeah, your man will love it when you’re bold and self-confident, but be a softie for him sometimes.🤭

Let him pull the chair for you to sit in, let him show you directions, and ask him to teach you something you don’t know. Be submissive; allow him to be a little dominant sometimes. And see the magic bursting in your relationship. It will treat his male ego in a good way.

But hey, please remember. He might have a different taste and wants his lady to be the dominant one. If so, behave accordingly. It’s all about making him feel blessed to have you; it doesn’t matter which route you’re taking to serve the purpose. 

8. Treat His Close Ones With Respect.

Woman treating a guy's mother with respect.

His family members have made a relentless contribution to his upbringing, and his friends have been with him through all his ups and downs. No wonder he would be attached to them. 

Now, when he has a girl in his life, it’s not much to expect that she behaves nicely with his close ones. They are all a crucial part of his life, as is his lady love; he can’t afford to see either one disrespecting the other. 

One of my friends, Sam, used to date a girl (consider her Neetu) years back. Things were fantastic between them, but Neetu had a poor attitude towards his parents. Sam tried to fix this, but nothing happened. Eventually, he broke up with her. 

Remember, sweetie, how you treat others is a reflection of your own character. 

9. He Wants You to Be a Woman of Your Word.

The biggest turn-on for men is when their lady love is a woman of her word. She doesn’t say a word just for the sake of it; she says it and fulfills her promise. That’s enough reason for a man to be smitten by his partner. 

If you’re always making fake promises, saying empty words, and your actions contradict what you say, there’s a high probability your man would be disappointed.

If you don’t like a thing, don’t say you do just to impress him. If you know you can’t make it to a meet-up, don’t say you can just to give him hope. 

Be clear about what you can and cannot do. Your man would appreciate your honesty over fake promises any day.

When I started dating Ankit, I often made instant promises to satisfy him. But he would get upset with me when I failed to deliver what I said. Since then, I have realized the importance of staying true to your words. And this applies to every aspect of your life, not just relationships. 

10. Kiss Him Without a Notice.

A woman kissing a man on his cheek and the man looking shy.

Who said that it’s only the girls with lots of romantic fantasies? Men also hold such carvings inside their hearts. 😌

Suppose you two are walking together or sitting in a cab talking about something serious. Grab him lightly by his cheek and kiss him. The unexpected turn of events will make him go crazy.

Once, I did the same with Ankit, and he couldn’t stop but blush. Since then, it’s been my favorite activity with him. 

Ever had this scene with him? No? Then maybe it’s your cue to turn this imagination into reality. 

Don’t forget to notice his reaction after the sudden kiss, and come back here to write that in the comments. I also want to know how far my suggestions are working! 🤭

11. Stay LOYAL.

That’s it; the heading says it all. There’s no point in discussing everything we have discussed so far if you’re not being loyal to your man. That’s the least he expects from you. 

Haven’t you moved on from your ex yet? No worries, take your time. But don’t move into a new relationship just for the sake of it.

Did you meet a guy and feel a spark? Then, leave your current relationship immediately; if you had been in love, you wouldn’t feel attraction elsewhere. 

Long thing short, value his time and love, value the relationship, and stay committed to him. Don’t indulge in texts, calls, or meetings you must hide from your partner. 

Cheating or disloyalty isn’t a mistake; that’s a CHOICE! If he’s staying loyal to you and giving you his love, he obviously expects the same from your side. Isn’t it? 

Wrapping Up

With that, we’ve come to the fag end of the blog.

Trust me, sweetie, if you’re in a relationship with a gentleman, his demands will be much less. He would ask for the bare minimum: to be his support system, to love him through everything, and to treat him well. When you tick all these boxes, the relationship runs smoothly. 

And here’s a quick note. If you two are always quarreling with hardly any quality time, maybe that’s because of two reasons: Either you’re not being a great girlfriend, or he’s not being a fantastic boyfriend. Try figuring out what’s wrong and talk it out. 

And the final reminder. You want your boyfriend to be the best and treat you like a princess, right? Great. Likewise, don’t forget to treat him like a king. 




Mohar Bhattacharjee

Mohar, a Master’s student in Comparative Literature from Kolkata, has been a digital content writer since 2019.

With over 4 years of experience, she creates practical and relatable guides on relationships, dating, and self-help, drawing from her personal experiences. Mohar ensures her content is accurate and insightful by incorporating real-life examples.

In her free time, you can catch her watching cricket, some romantic Bollywood movies or taking a power nap.


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