13 Rare Twin Flame Signs You Have Never Heard Of!

Updated On:

Jul 05, 2024

Are you having a divine connection with your partner? Discover these 13 rare twin flame signs to identify if you’re in a twin flame relationship.

A girl and a guy in a twin flame relationship after experiencing rare twin flame signs

Remember those romantic movies where the hero and heroine acted as if they were two different bodies with a single soul?

Everything seemed so perfect, as of they were inseparable. Even if they went away, the universe brought them back together.

It all looked so unreal and hard to believe, but I am pretty sure that you would have made it your childhood fantasy to have such a partner when you grow older.

So, let me ask you a question:- “Do you really think it was just a fantasy and it does not exist?”

You will be shocked to know that such relationships really exist! Relationships where a single soul is split into two bodies.

Yes, you heard it right! Your fantasy was real. Such relationships are known as Twin Flame Relationships.

In this post, I’ll share 13 rare twin flame signs that will help you identify if you’re in such divine connection. But before that, let’s dive into the exact definition.

What is a Twin Flame Relationship?

A twin flame relationship is thought to be an intense soul connection between two people who are meant to be together. It’s based on the idea that sometimes one soul gets split into two bodies. So your twin flame is like your other half or soulmate.

Now you might wonder, “Does everybody has a twin flame?”

Well, the answer is “NO!” Twin flame relationships are extremely rare.

You will find a lot of information saying that everybody has a twin flame and you may not meet them in a lifetime. However, that belief is false. Not everyone has a twin flame!

The Divine Connection: 13 Rare Twin Flame Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

If you are in a relationship, it’s time to figure out whether you have found your twin flame. So, here are the rare twin flame signs that you can look for:-

1. When you first met, It felt like you’ve met before.

There was an instant connection between both of you when you first met. Your partner was already able to complete your communications and understand you well. Plus, there was a ‘strange’ sort of attraction between both of you.

Both of you feel that the bond was a lot older than it actually is.

2. Both of you accept each other the way you are.

You don’t expect your partner to change, neither they want you to change. Both of you are satisfied with each other’s looks, behavior, attitude, and nature. You feel that your partner is perfect and complete in every term, and he/she is the best match for you.

3. You perfectly balance each other.

A girl and a guy perfectly balancing each other on a weighing machine.

Your partner’s strengths perfectly balance your weaknesses, and you too balance your partner’s weaknesses in the same way.

Your twin flame teaches you vital lessons that help you overcome your fears and develop a new self-personality.

4. You can’t stay without each other.

Your day feels incomplete and pending without each other. You always feel the need to have your partner with you. You even feel a bit frustrated and sometimes experience severe mood swings.

5. You have an exceptional connection.

Your connection with your twin flame is much deeper than you’ve ever experienced before if you’ve had any past relationships.

You are unable to sleep comfortably when your partner isn’t comfortable. You feel sad when your partner is sad.

Yeah, I know it is just like those romantic movies, but it’s really true.

6. It feels like home.

Your partner’s company feels like a home to you. You never miss your home whenever you are with them. Every location instantly feels like a comfortable place with no worries or problems. You are present in the current moment, and you feel happy for yourself.

7. You experience growth with each other.

You feel as if you are a stronger person than ever. You are a better personality. You feel mature and much improved both mentally and emotionally.

It is such growth that you’ve never experienced in your lifetime.

8. You don’t need to justify yourself.

Conflicts and misunderstandings are common in relationships. However, there is no need for you to justify what you are saying is the truth. Your twin flame understands you well and blindly trusts you.

You also never exploit them due to their blind faith in you, as you know that the faith once lost can never be retrieved.

9. Your values are similar.

Both of you are pretty similar in terms of behavior, nature, and values. Your words, while you speak, might even be the same at some moments. You experience the same feelings in some situations.

You feel so interconnected that the bond seems to be unbreakable.

10. You experience a different sort of freedom.

When you are with your twin flame, you feel as if you can now be your original self. There are no fears, tensions, or worries.

Your partner protects you and shields you. You feel you’re in safe hands and enjoy yourself to the fullest. You experience a freedom that you’ve never experienced before, not even with your family.

11. You complete each other.

A couple in a twin flame relationship that complete each other.

You feel empty without each other. Having your partner by your side makes you feel complete. You feel satisfied as it was all that you ever wanted.

12. You can’t stop thinking about each other.

You feel lonely even if you don’t get to talk to each other for a single day. You and your partner keep wandering about each other, the time you’ve spent with each other, your sweet memories, or anything that you could recall.

In case of any conflicts between both of you, you can’t just stay apart. Else, you get too frustrated due to overthinking.

13. Your relationship is sometimes tumultuous.

Your relationship might be on and off, but you always find a way back. Even if you separate, your connection and the universe bring you back in no time.

There might be moments when things might seem to fall apart. Still, you and your twin flame get through them.

9 Lesser-Know Stages of a Twin Flame Relationship

As you now know, whether you have found your twin flame. Here are the stages which a twin flame relationship goes through:-

Stage 1: Excessive Longingness of your Missing Part

It is the initial stage when both of you realize that the other half of your soul is somewhere out there. You feel that something is missing from your life. Your longingness will constantly keep increasing, and you start internally preparing for meeting your twin flame.

Stage 2: You Start Searching for your Twin Flame

A guy searching for a partner.
Pic credits: Happify

In the second stage, you start searching for the other half of your soul. You don’t know whether your twin flame is searching for you or not, but you follow your intuition. Now you might even travel, take up new interests, and enter new areas of life, All of it to cross paths with your twin flame.

Stage 3: Sudden Meeting of your Twin Flame

The meeting would be sudden, and your search for the other part of your soul will come to an end. You’ll get instant recognition at the time when you’ll look at each other. There would be a sort of satisfaction, and your longing will come to an end.

You will feel as if you’ve met for the first time but have known each other since the beginning.

Stage 4: Honeymoon Phase of your Relationship

As now you’ve met your twin flame, higher chances are that you will enter a relationship. Feelings will eventually deepen, and your connection will keep getting stronger. You will start feeling that both of you are true soulmates. You will complete each other, and the love and affection at this stage will reach their peak.

Stage 5: Challenging Stage

No ship always sails smoothly.

It is the time when the real test of your commitment begins. Quarrels and conflicts will happen, and you will start pointing out each other’s flaws. Both of you will start feeling the relationship as a cage and will get frustrated.

At this point, it will depend upon you whether you’ll fail the test and give up or bounce back with an all-time strong relationship.

Stage 6: Emerging Disinterests

As the arguments will keep on increasing, there will be a moment when you’ll feel the need for a long break. You’ll start losing interest in the relationship. It will all be too intense till both of you eventually agree to go apart. You might not wish to see each other for a long time.

Stage 7: Pursue Stage

Chaser pursing the runner in a twin flame relationship.

As one partner decides to step back and move away, the other twin flame might also step back or start chasing. During this stage, both the partners get physically separated, followed by severe disappointment and emotional instability.

The one who decides to go away is the runner, and the one who decides to chase is the chaser.

Stage 8: The Give Up Stage

After so many hurdles in the relationship, you begin to open up again. You discover a new inner self.

At this time, you might begin a new relationship with a different person. However, you will always be wandering of your twin flame, and when will both of you reunite again.

Stage 9: Reuniting and Coming Back Home

Twin flames have a deep connection. Still, there’s a chance that you might not reunite. This separation might even be for a lifetime.

However, A forgiving attitude, patience, and acceptance can still reunite you.
If you are lucky to be back again, the reunion would be so strong that you can’t even imagine, and the relationship might even be lifelong.

At last, both of you will be back where you really belonged.

Parting Thoughts

There’s no doubt that the twin flame relationship is one of the best and purest forms of relationships.

However, it doesn’t mean that your partner necessarily needs to be your twin flame for your relationship to be healthy. If both parties are actually willing to put a 100% to make a relationship work, it will turn out to be perfect!

Hence, if you’ve found your twin-flame, that’s great! You’ve been blessed by a magnificent connection. But if you haven’t found them yet, there’s no need to worry at all.

So, that’s it for this post. If you loved it, make sure to let me know by commenting below.

Stay Happy. Keep Loving.


A1. A twin flame relationship means a deep and soulful connection. So, when your lover is thinking about you, you’ll feel magnetic energy pulling your heart. You won’t be able to defend yourself from it, and you’ll feel irritated if you try to do so. You might also feel as if your other half is calling you or someone needs you right now.

A2. Here are the most compatible twin flame zodiacs:-

  • Leo or Sagittarius with Aries
  • Pisces or Scorpio with Taurus
  • Aquarius or Saggitarius with Gemini
  • Cancer with Virgo
  • Gemini, Cancer, or Saggitarius with Leo
  • Capricorn with Virgo
  • Libra with Cancer
  • Pisces or Cancer with Scorpio
  • Aquarius or Gemini with Saggitarius
  • Pisces with Cancer
  • Aquarius with Virgo
  • Taurus or Virgo with Capricorn

A3. Yes, a twin flame relationship might become toxic when there are a lot of arguments between both partners. At this stage, the flaws of your partner seem much more powerful than the strengths.

It might also happen when the twin flames mostly disagree with each other in most conversations.



Varun Pahwa

Varun Pahwa

Hey there! I’m Varun, founder of Uprisehigh.com. I’m committed to helping people through relationship problems and general life issues so they never feel alone.

While not blogging, you’ll find me lifting weights, spending time in solitude, seeking life’s answers or enjoying time with close ones.

Join me on Uprisehigh and just like a close friend, you’ll find me by your side on every step of your life journey!



  1. Thanks, Varun for this beautiful article. I read it & learn many more things. Your thoughts are awesome. I also have the same point of view about relationships. Great article.

  2. i never believed in twin flame before i met mineโค๏ธ
    All of the signs stated above are so true that i kept thinking about him while reading those points.
    It’s hard to believe that i have a person in my life who knows every feeling of mine be it a happiness or sorrow, whether i tell him or not he is always by my side.
    Your article just made me miss him more.
    Great article๐Ÿ˜
    Keep writing articles like this๐Ÿ‘

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