11 Painful Signs Your Boyfriend Will Never Marry You 

Updated On:

Sep 30, 2024

Wondering if he’ll ever pop the question? Discover 11 red flags that show marriage isn’t on his mind. It’s time for some real talk!

signs your boyfriend will never marry you

Love is a wonderful feeling and can make you go blind. Well, don’t be so blinded that you keep ignoring the consistent red signals from your man. Ask yourself. Is he ‘your man’ at all?

You’re deeply in love with him, dream of a future together, and imagine having the best wedding. But are you two in the same boat? Does he want to have you in his future? His recent behavior has made you worry about this question.

You try to get closer to him, but he acts weirdly distant. He doesn’t bother when you seem upset; he is only in for some spicy moments. Do these look like the greenest flags of a relationship? Well, I don’t think so. 

If you are here, you might be trying to get answers to your questions. Is he going to marry me? Does he think of me the same way I do?

Well, sweetie. Marriage is a big deal; you need the best in your life. If suspicions have started gathering in your mind, it’s time to clear it off. 

In this blog, I’ll discuss eleven signs that your boyfriend has no plans to marry you. Read it and decide if you were just overthinking it or if it’s your wake-up call to walk out of the relationship.

1. He Maintains His ‘Image’ In Front of Other Girls.

Guy maintaining his image in front of other girls

Another behavior to note is when the guy strictly tries to maintain his ‘single’ image in front of other girls. He keeps a distant body language from you and doesn’t mind flirting with other ladies right before you. 

Imagine if he does this even in your presence; what must he be doing behind your back? I don’t intend to hurt you, sweetie, nor do I want to instill any suspicion in your mind. I’m trying to show you the truth and confirm the pre-existing thoughts in your mind.  

In my previous relationship, my ex-boyfriend would do pretty much the same. He was consistently hitting up on other girls and didn’t mind if those actions hurt me. My friend Suja suffered too from this scenario. 

Always remember, when a man truly loves you and wants to marry you, he won’t ever do anything that would hurt your feelings. 

2. He Isn’t Interested in Discussing a Future.

Whenever you discuss how you want the best future for this relationship, your plans for your dream house, or your favorite spot for the wedding, he simply turns a deaf ear to it. 

He would come up with excuses: either he’s too busy, or it’s “not the right time.” You keep waiting for him to get ready to discuss the future, but Alas, the time never comes. 

You feel dejected; you start questioning yourself, yet you try to bear with this attitude.

Take a deep breath and answer me calmly. Is it really how you deserve to be treated by the person you love? 

3. He Prioritizes Physical Relationship.

Guy willing to get physical with woman

Whenever it comes to getting intimate, your guy is suddenly very interested. He loves spending quality physical time with you and finds opportunities to spice things up. 

Most of his discussions and texts revolve around sexual intimacy, and he’s very reluctant to talk about anything else at all. He will bounce back to intimacy even if you try to deviate the conversation to something else. 

The scenario keeps repeating, and you start to have a feeling that he’s only interested in your body, not in you. 

Had he been into you, he would have numerous other topics to talk about with you. If he’s not doing that, that’s one of the most evident signs he has hardly any plans to marry you. 

4. He Doesn’t Introduce You in His Close Circle.

Here’s the reality. A guy will never marry you if he has zero interest in introducing you to his friends and family.

A guy who wants to build a life with you will never step back from introducing you to his parents. He will make plans for you to meet his buddies. 

One of my friends, Suja, was once in a relationship with a guy who would do the exact opposite with her. Even after a year of their relationship, the guy wasn’t ready to at least let her meet with his friends. Whenever she asked him anything about it, he kept giving excuses.

Well, those excuses were just a shield to keep his close people from knowing about her! A few months later, he dumped her and moved away with a different girl. 

Think about it. Does your guy always say NO when it comes to meeting his close ones? If yes, it must be a wake-up call for you that he doesn’t think of you in the long term, and the chances of marriage are nil.

5. He Is Least Interested in Meeting Your Friends.

Guy least interested in meeting her friends.

One of the strongest signs a guy will never marry you is when he is not at all interested in being known in your circle. Just like he won’t ever introduce you to his friends, he won’t let you hatch a plan to introduce him in your circle, either. 

It’s just his way of not being known to too many people because he knows he won’t be here in the long run. He doesn’t want any drama, so he tries to stay safe in all possible ways.

You ask him why he doesn’t want to meet your friends, and he’ll be ready with a vague excuse. As you’re so much in love with him, you’ll be convinced right away.

It’s time to come out of the illusion, my dear. Judge scenarios with logic; the heart doesn’t always tell you the truth!

Suja and I also suffered from this situation in my last relationship. At that time, we wanted to believe that our respective partners were shy or needed more time to meet our friends, but we were so wrong!

6. He Doesn’t Turn Up When You Need Him.

The least a lady wants from her man is his support when she needs it. When he tries his best to support her lady, it shows how much he is into her and considers her problems his own.

So, if your man does the exact opposite and is never bothered by your tough times, it’s highly suspicious that he would be interested in a future with you. 

My friend, Suja, experienced the same thing. His guy was always there to chill and hang out, but he was nowhere to be found whenever she needed him. After Suja solved the problem, he would turn up again with dozens of excuses about how busy or sick he was or what family problems he had so that he couldn’t be available. 

You’re an intelligent lady. I’m sure you can figure out his intentions if he always makes repetitive excuses. 

7.  He Doesn’t Plan Surprises.

He doesn't plan surprises.

Does he never plans surprises or dates? And even if you are planning them, he doesn’t seem excited about it. 

Furthermore, if you try to question him about being distant, he will gaslight you for being so complaining all the time. You start to blame yourself for being so demanding, but is that so, my dear? 

Once, Suja planned a surprise dinner for her then-boyfriend. When he returned home, instead of being blown away by the lovely arrangements, he slammed the bedroom door, saying, “I’m exhausted today after work; I need some rest. You should understand.” 

You want your man to be a little romantic towards you; you want him to plan small dates to spend quality time. Is that too much to ask for? Honestly, I don’t think so.

8. He Doesn’t Give You Any Commitment.

Your friends don’t know that you two are in a relationship, he doesn’t want you to call him by sweet names in public, and he always dodges questions about commitment. 

If you try asking him anything regarding making it official, he either gets angry or gives responses like:

  • Don’t you trust me? 
  • What’s there to make it official? We are together, that’s enough.
  • I don’t want others to know a lot about us; people can ruin beautiful things.

Always remember, there is a fine line between keeping things private and maintaining a secret. No gentleman will hesitate to tell the world how much he loves his lady and can’t wait to have a future together! 

If you relate his behavior to this scenario, maybe it’s time to rethink your decision to be with him. 

9. He Doesn’t Make You Feel Important.

he doesn't make you feel important

That’s the final nail in the coffin. A clear indicator that a guy has no plans to marry you is when he keeps treating you like an additional item to his life and never treats you like a queen. 

He is either unresponsive or slow in his replies. He dismisses most of your thoughts and proposals casually. He isn’t interested in celebrating your success or happiness. He hardly cares if you’re unhappy. 

He is with you just for the sake of a relationship with a beautiful girl and just to satisfy his physical desires. You can’t expect anything romantic or supportive from him. 

You’re the one carrying the relationship on your shoulders with best efforts. Do you still think the guy has plans to make you his bride in the future?

10. He Doesn’t Engage in Deep Talks.

It’s a huge red flag if the guy never engages in deep conversations with you or hardly opens up his emotional side in front of you. 

In a relationship, both partners need to support each other physically and mentally. Unfortunately, you don’t feel that support from him, and you don’t see him taking that support from you. 

Whenever you try to discuss any of your life issues with him, like past trauma, insecurities, or a recent problem you faced, you see him giving the bare minimum responses. He either laughs it off or stays cold with zero interest in talking about anything serious.

Further, to add a pinch of salt to the injury, he doesn’t open up about his problems or show his vulnerability. 

If such is the case, you really can’t expect the guy to be serious about you, let alone marry you.  

11. He Keeps Saying, ‘I Will Divorce My Wife Soon.’

Okay, so this is a bit harsh, but let’s discuss it. Suppose you’re involved with a married man. He keeps telling you how unhappy he is in his married life and that you’re his sunshine. He assures you he will soon divorce his wife, but that moment never comes. 

You keep getting impatient, but your mind doesn’t want to disbelieve him. So tell me, if a man couldn’t stay loyal to his wife, how could you expect him to be faithful to you? 

These types of men treat women as an accessory to their lives; despite being married, they look for outside fun. He’s doing the same with you, and you’re probably not his only side chick. There’s no way he’s going to marry you. 

Walk out of that relationship. Choose the best for you. Don’t be the ‘other lady’ in a woman’s life. 🙂

Wrapping Up

I know it hurts to see the person you loved so much treating you this way. But it’s time to accept what it is, give yourself time, and keep reminding yourself that you deserve to be treated the best! 

It will still tear your heart apart, my dear. You have to choose what’s best for you. Who knows what the universe has in store for you? Maybe you haven’t met your prince charming yet. When you do, he will make you feel like the queen of the world. 

So the choice is yours, my friend. Do you want to keep living your life with a man who doesn’t see a future with you? Or will you wait for the one who will make your future beautiful? 




Mohar Bhattacharjee

Mohar, a Master’s student in Comparative Literature from Kolkata, has been a digital content writer since 2019.

With over 4 years of experience, she creates practical and relatable guides on relationships, dating, and self-help, drawing from her personal experiences. Mohar ensures her content is accurate and insightful by incorporating real-life examples.

In her free time, you can catch her watching cricket, some romantic Bollywood movies or taking a power nap.


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