10 Cruel Signs He’s Not Sorry for Hurting You

Updated On:

Sep 08, 2024

Feeling unsure about his apology? These are the 10 red flags that show he’s not truly sorry for hurting you.

signs he's not sorry for hurting you

So, you’re in a relationship with an irresistible guy. He’s got it all: looks and smarts. But (yeah, there’s always a but!), you feel like he doesn’t care about your feelings.

Sometimes, he does or says things that hurt your feelings, and you’re left wondering if he truly cares. 

Your heart tries to convince you that he must be apologetic for his wrongdoing, but his actions don’t actually reflect it. 

So, In this blog, I’ll share 10 clear signs he’s not sorry for hurting you. And let me tell you, I won’t hold myself back! I’m here to reveal everything and help you as much as possible. 

Without wasting any more time, let’s dive straight into it.

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1. He Doesn’t Show Any Concern.

Unconcerned guy

Okay, you’re upset because your guy did something downright obnoxious and hurt you. 

So, you tried to confront him about it. But all you got in return was a “yeah, I know I did that so?”

I mean, talk about being a total moron!

Let me tell you what happened to me a few years ago. 

I was dating this guy; let’s call him Sushant (because I don’t want to reveal his real name). We were pretty close, and very soon, we decided to take our friendship to the next level. 

Sushant asked me out on a date, and I agreed. But when the actual day arrived, Sushant bailed out on me! 

I waited over an hour at the restaurant, trying to call him. And when he finally called me back, he apologized, saying he was with his office buddies and couldn’t make it.

I was so frustrated and hurt. I confronted Sunshant the next day, and to my surprise, it was like talking to a brick wall. He didn’t even try to understand my feelings. Instead, he just acted like he didn’t care much about how he made me feel. 

So, my dear, if your guy doesn’t show any concern after doing something wrong, it’s a sign he doesn’t feel guilty.

2. He Isn’t Affected by How He Makes You Feel.

A guy not worried about his girlfriend's feelings

Do you feel like your guy is completely unfazed by your emotions? 

You try to have an open and honest conversation about your feelings, hoping for some understanding on his side. You cry your heart out in front of him. But he still keeps a straight face!

Well, that’s because he’s not sorry for hurting you and isn’t affected by how you feel.

3. He Repeats His Hurtful Behavior.

Guy repeating his hurtful actions and yelling at his girlfriend

See, sometimes your guy may not try to hurt you deliberately. He may genuinely mean well, but his actions might cause you pain. 

Maybe he doesn’t follow through with the plans or jokes about a particular aspect of your life. So, you become upset and frustrated the first time it happens, and he apologizes. 

Now you think, “Okay, I told him how I felt. So he won’t do it again.” However, as a few weeks pass, he’s back on it. 

So, if you notice your guy repeating the cycle where his same hurtful actions keep happening, it can be a sign that he’s not as concerned about your feelings as you hoped. 

And if he’s not trying to change his behavior, it might be because he wasn’t guilty for hurting you the first time. 

Girl, I know it hurts! But it’s time to see things for what they are!

4. He Makes Up Excuses to Justify His Behavior.

Okay, so I’ll talk about the same guy, Sushant, here to explain this point.

As I mentioned earlier, Sushant and I agreed to date each other. A few weeks after being a no-show on our date night, he again canceled our plan at the last minute. And this time he told me that his best friend needed him. Sushant didn’t owe up to his mistake. He made an excuse to justify his casual and stupid behavior.

If you notice your guy making similar excuses constantly, just know he doesn’t care that he messed up. 

People only make excuses when you don’t mean anything to them. Isn’t it obvious that canceling plans all the time is hurtful? 

Now ask yourself, “Would he still do it if he cared about you?” No, right? So there, that’s your answer.

5. Your Relationship Coach Gives You the Bad News.

A couple talking to a relationship hero counsellor.

Okay, so you’re going through a rough patch with your guy and want to improve things. 

There are plenty of misunderstandings and disagreements between you. And you think that maybe a third person’s perspective can help you see things rationally.

My suggestion? Go to “Relationship Hero” for advice! 

Their relationship coach will help you see the situation clearly and make a decision about your relationship with your guy. They will do this by listening to your side of the story and analyzing your guy’s behavior. 

They may also ask you specific, in-depth questions about your day-to-day life with your guy. All you have to do is describe the situation, and you will be given a final verdict!

Why is this helpful? Because sometimes we tend to overlook certain aspects of our relationships that may cause us to react differently. 

A relationship coach will let you know the issue and help you solve it. 

So, don’t be late to grab this fantastic opportunity – a 15-minute free consultation call and a $50 discount on your first session! 

6. His Apologies Are Insincere.

In a loving and understanding relationship, when a guy realizes he has hurt his girlfriend, he will genuinely regret it. His apologies will be heartfelt, and he will mean it. 

But, if he doesn’t consider your feelings, he won’t take any responsibility for his actions. His apologies will be laced with excuses. You’ll feel that something is off!

So, if his apologies feel insincere, it’s a sign that he is not truly committed to understanding you and healing the hurt he’s caused you.

You see, it’s very easy to apologize but to mean, it takes a lot of guts. A guy who genuinely cares about you will go out of his way to make you feel loved and cared for after a fight. He won’t just leave you to feel disrespected and hurt.

Sincere apologies have the power to hold a relationship together. If your guy can’t even give you that, it means he’s just not sorry for hurting your feelings.

7. He Blames You for Everything.

A guy blaming his Gf for everything

Does your guy love playing the blame game after every disagreement? Does he keep saying things like, “You’re too sensitive,” or “You’re overreacting,” or “It’s all your fault this happened?” 

If he constantly shifts all the blame onto you, he may not be the right guy for you. His tendency to blame you for everything is the surest sign that he’s not sorry for hurting you. 

If the guy genuinely cared about you, he would say something like, “Hey, I’m sorry this didn’t go as planned,” or “I didn’t handle things well tonight.” You see, trying to make things right for your relationship.

It’s okay for things not to go as planned. But if your guy always tries to make you the scapegoat for everything that happens, it is not a good sign of a healthy relationship.

Girl, sorry to say this, but you need to run away from such a guy!

8. He Never Apologizes to You.

This is obvious because if your man can’t even utter “I’m sorry,” he doesn’t care about you.

Yes, I know, it’s like a punch to your heart. But it’s true.

Your guy does not recognize that he caused you pain, and you’re hurt. That’s a red flag waving in the wind. 

Girl, his feelings for you lie in the silence. If your guy can comfortably go without apologizing for his mistakes or behavior, he’s unwilling to admit he’s wrong. 

A guy who genuinely cares for you will apologize for hurting you. 

Think about it. Will you set your ego aside and apologize to someone who means nothing to you? You most probably won’t, right? It’s the same thing here. 

So, if your guy never says those two powerful words, my girl, it’s a sign he doesn’t bother.

9. He Doesn’t Communicate With You.

A guy who's unwilling to communicate

So, you and your guy had a big argument about something, and you let him know how you felt about it. You hoped he would reach out to you to apologize or even try to talk to you. But to your dismay… he’s radio silent!

He’s not calling, texting, or even trying to talk with you. And you soon realize that it’s not because he’s busy; he just doesn’t care.

If your guy avoids you after every argument, it’s a clear sign that he’s not feeling apologetic. Observe, girl; his lack of communication speaks volumes about how he feels about you!

He’s not interested in resolving the issue or making things right because he’s simply not sorry for causing you pain.

In an ideal situation, your guy would want to talk it out, apologize, and work things through. But, if he’s not doing anything after hurting you, he just doesn’t care about your feelings.

10. He’s Not Willing to Change.

It’s one thing to hurt you with his obnoxious behavior. It’s another not to be willing to change it. 

So you express your feelings and tell your guy how his actions hurt you. How does he react? Does he shrug it off, saying, “This is just how I am.” or “You know I’m not good with this, so just accept it?”

If this is your scenario, then, my dear, you’re at the wrong place.

Your guy’s unwillingness to change himself says much about how little you mean to him. It’s a glaring sign that he doesn’t think he’s wrong or feels the need to do anything about it. 

Wrapping Up

So, my dear, it’s a wrap.

It’s a huge bummer, I know! But you need to keep an open eye when you’re in a relationship. 

I hope you’ve made a note of all these signs. They will surely come in handy and will help you navigate your relationship better.

I’ll be back with more such interesting and telltale signs so that you know what’s really going on with your guy. Until then, see ya!



Saily Sud

Saily Sud

Meet Saily Sud, a wordsmith with years of experience in unraveling the mysteries of the dating world. She’s not just a writer but a storyteller who loves crafting stories that hit every corner of the heart.

Going through a tough time with your partner? Don’t worry; Saily could be your guide to answer every question you might have about your relationship.


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