10 Alarming Signs Your Husband Likes His Coworker!

Updated On:

Oct 11, 2024

Is your husband’s behavior raising eyebrows? Read these 10 telltale signs that might indicate he’s developed feelings for a coworker.

Signs your husband likes his co-worker

Key Takeaways

  • The strongest red flags that indicate your husband’s feelings towards coworker include hanging out with her way too much, being over-friendly with her, and comparing you with her.
  • It’s quiet possible that there’s just a simple explanation to your concerns. For instance, your husband is just over-worked these days, not actually infatuated with someone. So, be careful before jumping to conclusions!
  • You need to tackle this situation wisely. And yes… you can have conversation with him without any drama. That would really help avoid making things worse!
  • In case you actually find out that your husband has feelings for his coworker and can’t figure out what to do next, it’s best to talk to a relationship coach. You might actually need an expert opinion!

Have you been noticing something strange about your husband lately? Do you often see him hanging out with his female coworker? Are you suspicious that your husband might have feelings for her?

My dear, I’m here to help you out.

In this post, I’ll share 10 brutal signs your husband likes his female coworker. 

Watch out for these signs closely. If you relate to most of them, it could mean something’s cooking!

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How to Tell if Your Husband Has Feelings for a Coworker? 10 Clues

1. He Ignores Your Texts or Calls Very Often.

A lady who's crying because her husband often ignores her texts and calls.

You shot him a quick text, asking him about the grocery list – no response.
You called him to ask whether he’s down to hang out with your friends tonight – no response.
You FaceTime him during lunch to show him the watch you got for him – no response!

No one is ever too busy that they can’t check their phone once in a while. If your husband always avoids your messages and calls at work, he may not want your interference when he’s with his coworker. 

2. He’s Glued to His Phone at Home.

So, your husband never responds to your calls and messages at work but is always on his phone at home? 

Well… RED FLAG!! If you constantly find him texting and smirking, he might be texting his coworker.

You ask him to do the dishes, and he’s texting ‘someone.’ Even while having dinner, he constantly receives notifications and jumps to check them out. You don’t see him without his phone even for a minute! 

And when you try to confront him, he calms you down by saying something like, “Oh, it’s just work. Things are pretty rough right now.”

3. There’s No Intimacy (Physical or Emotional) Left in Your Marriage.

A couple sitting on a dining table that have no intimacy and are sad in each other's company.

When did you and your husband last have a deep and pleasant conversation about something? Can’t remember?

Do you always find him pulling away when you try to bring up topics to talk about? If so, it probably means he doesn’t feel the need to connect with you emotionally. Maybe he has found someone else to meet his emotional needs. And he seeks comfort, love, and care from someone else. 

This emotional unavailability can also turn into physical distance between you. Your husband might shrug away every time you try getting physical or say, “I’ve had a long day today; I’m not really in the mood!” 

Okay, now get this. It’s perfectly normal for your husband not to want physical stuff after a long day at work. However, if you no longer get as hot and spicy in the bedroom as you used to, it could be a sign that he may be getting it elsewhere. 

4. They’re Always Hanging Out Together.

Who did your husband have dinner with last night? His coworker. 
Who does he pick up on the way to the office? His coworker. 
Who did he go out with for a hike last week? His coworker!

If you constantly find your husband’s coworker alongside him, it could be a sign he’s into her. 

You will notice him going out of his way to spend time with her, and he will always be coming up with reasons to hang out with her. Going on business trips, meetings, or parties is not a big deal, but if it’s always the two of them hanging out, that’s a red flag right there!

5. He’s Way Too Friendly With Her.

A guy who's over friendly with his female co-worker despite being married.

It may or may not mean anything, but if your husband is too friendly with his coworker, it could be because he likes her. 

If he has an extrovert and cheerful personality, chances are he’s friendly with everyone. However, if your otherwise quiet, shy, and mellow husband is suddenly too comfortable around his coworker, there’s something sus’. You might also notice them sharing a lot of inside jokes, playfully hitting each other, or flirting a lot.

He may not be in love with her yet, but it could mean the beginning of something.

6. He’s Always Cranky and Mean to You.

Husband being cranky and mean to his wife, because of which his wife is crying.

You may notice he’s always in a bad mood at home or around you. He might get mad at things that never bothered him before, or be downright mean to you.

There could be a reason behind this behavior. Perhaps he misses his coworker when at home and channels his anger at you. Maybe he feels guilty about being attracted to another woman. So, If he’s suddenly trying to push you away or create drama in your marriage, his mind might be occupied by someone else.

But hold on! It’s not only negative. There could also be one more reason behind it: Maybe he didn’t get a deserved promotion or money is tight this month.

So, think about it objectively before coming to any conclusion. 

7. He’s Always Working Late.

Your husband always believed in ‘work-life balance,’ but now he’s not home for dinner most nights. There are never-ending assignments at work that he just can’t put off. Well, something is fishy!

If you find that he’s always making excuses for not spending time with you, my dear, he may be spending time with someone else (his coworker).

8. He Often Draws a Comparison Between You and His Coworker.

“Jennifer is doing so well in her career. Why aren’t you taking your job seriously?”
“Jennifer is so smart, beautiful, and has a brilliant sense of humor.”
“You really should put in more effort in the way you dress. Look at Jennifer; I love her fashion sense!”

Sounds familiar?

He married you because he loved how you look, dress, and carry yourself. Now, suddenly, he wants you to be like her? Dear, this is so unfair to you! If he wants you to look, dress, and be a certain way like his coworker, he might be into her.

9. You Notice a Change in His Demeanor When You Mention Her.

Husband getting awkward when his wife asked about his female co-worker.

Let’s say you just casually mention his coworker, and he gets all weird and dismissive about it. It’s no big deal if it happens once or twice. However, if he avoids talking about her every time you mention her, he’s definitely trying to hide something from you. After all, if there’s nothing to hide, there’s nothing to fear.

So, your husband’s strange behavior only points towards the possibility that he likes her. And to avoid any suspicion, he never acknowledges her existence.

10. He Has Picked Up New Interests and Hobbies.

Your husband never enjoyed photography, but suddenly, he’s clicking selfies everywhere. He was never a fan of rock music, but that’s all he listens to these days. 

You see where I’m going with this? A sudden change in his interests may indicate he’s trying to impress his coworker. Maybe he wants to align with her interests to get closer to her. 

It’s only natural to try out things that your crush likes so that you can make a move on her. When you share common interests with someone, it’s easier to develop a deeper bond with them. 

So, if your husband has started to pick up new hobbies out of nowhere, maybe it’s for his coworker.

How to Know if He’s Overworked, Not Infatuated?

So, now you know the signs. But before you start imagining the worst, consider this possibility – What if your husband is extremely occupied with work and not spending time with his coworker? If that’s the case, here are seven things you might notice:

  • He’s constantly checking his work phone or email, even during family time.
  • He talks about big projects or looming deadlines more often than usual.
  • Weekends are no longer sacred – work is creeping into his days off.
  • He’s more forgetful about household chores or family commitments.
  • You notice increased caffeine consumption or changes in his eating habits.
  • There’s a noticeable increase in work-related calls or texts, but they’re from various colleagues, not just one.
  • When he does have free time, he spends it catching up on sleep rather than going out.

How to Talk About Your Suspicion Without Making a Scene?

I know. You have a lot going inside your head, but you just can’t blurt it out over dinner. So how do you actually express your concern without lashing out and creating drama? Don’t worry, I’ll help you out.

First, pick the right moment. Don’t corner him as soon as he comes home from the office. Wait for the time when things are actually calm, like after a nice meal or on a quiet weekend morning.

Here’s a big one – use “I” statements. Instead of saying “You’re always with her!”, try “I feel worried about how much time you spend with your coworker.” See how that’s less attacking and more open to talking?

Be clear about what bothers you. Vague complaints won’t help. If you’ve seen him busy on his phone a lot more than usual, say that. But stick to what you’ve actually seen, not what you think might be happening.

Now for the tough part – listen. I understand you have a lot to say, but let him speak too. There might be a simple explanation you haven’t thought of.

Stay calm, even if he gets upset (and he might). Keep your cool. Remember, you don’t wanna have a shouting match. You want to have a conversation.

Be ready for anything. He might deny everything, admit to something, or be completely surprised by your concerns. If his explanation sounds legit and you get to know it’s not what you were thinking, try to end the talk with a plan. Maybe it’s spending more time together, or setting some work-home rules.

Remember, this talk isn’t about winning an argument. It’s about understanding each other and dealing with your worries.

What to Do if it Turns Out Your Husband Likes Her?

You know what? When it comes to dating, I often share my thoughts whether a person should continue with the relationship or not. But marriage is different. It’s a serious commitment, and only you can decide what’s right for your situation.

Here’s what I suggest: give yourself some time alone. Take your space to understand your feelings without others influencing you.

If your husband is truly sorry and wants to fix things, you might think about giving him another chance. But that’s still completely up to you. You don’t have to forgive if you don’t want to. Trust your feelings on this.

If you’re still unsure and need help, talking to a professional might be a good idea. A relationship expert can help you understand your feelings and decide what to do next. They have experience with these situations and can give advice without judging you.

I’ve heard good things about “Relationship Hero” for counseling. They have experts who can help you deal with this difficult situation. They might give you ways to work on your marriage or help you decide if it’s time to end it. Here’s the link.

Remember, whatever you choose, make sure it’s what’s best for you. You’re stronger than you might think right now!

End of the Line

So, my dear, there you have it – 10 clear signs your husband is attracted to his coworker. 

Now that we’ve discussed every sign in detail, take your time and ponder them. 

I know it’s not easy to deal with this situation, but always remember, you have absolutely no reason to blame yourself. 

I hope you figure out a way to make your marriage work. 

All the best!


While these behaviors might set off some alarm bells, they’re NOT ENOUGH to accuse your husband of cheating. You might have to go a lot more deeper and observe unusual stuff to come to a conclusion.

Trust your gut, but also give him the benefit of the doubt. Don’t let suspicion ruin your years of relationship without solid proof.

Yes, close work friendships can absolutely be platonic. I mean, we’re not in high school anymore, 😂 and adults can have meaningful friendships without any romantic feelings.

But, if you notice your partner acting unusually or getting too close to his coworker, that’s when you might need to pay attention. Trust your instincts – if something feels off, it might be time for a honest talk with your partner.

No, don’t drag the coworker into it. That’s gonna lead to a bunch of drama and make things a lot more worse that you can imagine.

Instead, talk to your husband directly. He’s the one you married, after all. You know him best, so you’ll have a better idea of how to approach the conversation. Plus, keeping it between you two avoids making things worse at his workplace. Remember, your relationship is with your husband, not his coworker.

Yes, it can. But only and only if he actually realizes he’s moving in the wrong direction, makes efforts and sets boundaries!



Saily Sud

Saily Sud

Meet Saily Sud, a wordsmith with years of experience in unraveling the mysteries of the dating world. She’s not just a writer but a storyteller who loves crafting stories that hit every corner of the heart.

Going through a tough time with your partner? Don’t worry; Saily could be your guide to answer every question you might have about your relationship.


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