13 Beautiful Signs Your Manifestation is Coming

Updated On:

Jul 05, 2024

You’ve set intentions and made requests to the Universe. But how can you tell if your manifestation is on its way? Discover these 13 signs your manifestation is coming to life!

Signs your manifestation is coming

“I do believe in manifestations, but I also doubt it. Sometimes, I feel nervous, thinking what I’m trying to manifest is unreal. The next moment, I get a gut feeling about things falling into place. Then again, I feel my ego is louder than my intuition!”

Is this you? If yes, please stop second-guessing your inner voice. As Abraham Hicks says: 

The main event has never been the manifestation; the main event has always been the way you feel moment by moment because that’s what life is.

So, my dear, if you want to manifest effectively, the key is to trust your inner guidance and align your energy rather than looking for external proof or premature results. Stay present in each moment, without doubts about the past or future.

Still, in this post, I have compiled “13 signs your manifestation is coming” to settle your doubts about manifestation. Stay tuned.

1. You See Angel Numbers 111 and 222.

One of the most common signs your manifestation is coming to life is that you often see angel numbers such as 111 and 222. 

Master Sri Akarshana says these numbers are about divine alignment, manifestation, and new beginnings. For instance, the universe says, “My child, you’re now ready to embrace that change.”

What a fantastic message from the cosmos, isn’t it? 

So, he further elaborates that while manifesting a new love, job, or house, you’ll see the number 111, which signifies new beginnings. And when you see the number 2’s, your manifestation process will speed up soon. So, you must be ready to see your manifestation coming true in physical reality. 

2. Your Third Eye, Heart, and Solar Plexus Chakra Gets Activated.

A figure with activated third eye, heart, and solar plexus chakra.

Another sign your manifestation is coming to life is that your third eye chakra, heart chakra, and solar plexus chakra get activated. 

For instance, you might feel pressure in your third eye chakra and get a headache. Or you might experience mood swings for no reason when your heart chakra gets activated. Similarly, you might feel a sensation in your stomach when your solar plexus chakra gets activated. 

So, if you meditate regularly and know how chakra works in the body, you can easily understand that your dreams are about to become a reality in no time. 

3. Your Desire Subsides.

Have you recently started feeling like your desire to achieve a specific goal is fading? If yes, take it as a sign of your manifestation coming true. 

But why does this change happen? 

See, your desires start fading because you subconsciously feel you’ve achieved your goals in reality. Hence, you feel calm and happy from within.

So, as your subconscious mind feels that you’ve got what you want, it no longer has the same intensity to strive for that specific desire. In other words, you practice the “law of detachment” without even realizing it. 

Hence, your manifestation takes place. How amazing, isn’t it?

4. Your Intuition Is Increased.

A girl with raised intuition.

Do you feel you’ve started hearing your inner voice louder than before? And do you feel like trusting your intuition more often?

Yes? Be ready to see your manifestations become reality. 

When you’re about to experience the magic of the cosmos, it speaks through your subconscious mind and gives you accurate messages. 

For example- a person shared their experience on Reddit on how they turned down a job offer that was not aligned with their dreams after listening to their intuition. And also how they felt empowered for the future. 

Thus, this example shows you’re guided on your desired path by the universe to help you manifest your desires. 

5. You Meet the Right People at the Right Time.

Did you know that the universe sends the right people at the right time in your life when you are about to manifest your goals? Yes, my dear friend, this actually happens! 

Trust me. It’s truly a miraculous experience! 

Let me explain this with an example if you haven’t experienced it before. 

Suppose you’ve manifested a job but don’t know the exact path about how to get that job. Hence, you’re giving multiple interviews. 

In one of the interviews, you chat with another candidate while waiting for your turn who gives you friendly advice or shares important information regarding your career. Suddenly, you get a crystal clear image of how to move ahead to achieve your goal.

It’s a clear signal that the universe wants you to follow that path so your manifested job can become a reality. 

6. Increased Gratitude Helps You Manifest Easily.

A girl holding a banner of "Be grateful."

If you’re feeling over the moon for no reason, cheerful, satisfied, and more grateful toward life nowadays, know that your manifestation will come to life soon. 

How? You may ask. Okay, let me explain. 

So now, as you’re more grateful to the universe, your energy is shifted to a higher level where you’re in a receiving state of the mind. 

You’re happy for the things in your life and have faith that the universe has your back. Thus, your mind becomes stable, which further enhances your vibrations. 

Enhanced vibrations help strengthen your manifestation abilities, so the manifestation process becomes much easier, and things start to fall into place naturally. 

Gratitude opens the door to the power, the wisdom, the creativity of the universe. You open the door through gratitude.

~Deepak Chopra

7. Positive Changes in Every Sphere of Your Life.

  • Have you started waking up earlier than before?
  • Have you started closely monitoring what you eat to stay healthy?
  • Have you started pursuing your hobbies that satisfy your soul at a deeper level? 

If yes, know these positive changes in your life are a sign of your manifestation coming true. 

When you’re in a perfect mindset where your thoughts and actions align with your goals, you radiate high energy where the manifestation process occurs. 

So whether it’s your career, relationships, going abroad, or buying a luxurious house and car, you suddenly feel like your bucket list will soon get ticked off. 

In such a way, you experience small positive changes in all these spheres of life before your primary goal becomes a reality. 

8. Improved Self-Confidence and Belief.

A guy who's happy and confident.

You might have doubted your ability to achieve your goals initially, but now you’re suddenly more confident about your dreams. Also, you feel all those self-limiting beliefs are waving you goodbye! 

Whoa! What a feeling! So, my dear friend, know your manifestation is coming to life if you’re experiencing this. 

As you trust your inner voice and act accordingly, you’re no longer afraid to walk the unknown path. The confidence to go that extra mile and take risks shows that the sky’s the limit to achieving your goals in life. 

Also, you don’t mind burning the midnight oil while working on your dreams because you know your hard work will surely pay off. Thus, trusting yourself and your abilities helps you achieve your goals faster. 

9. Your Gut Feeling Tells You.

Whenever your manifestation is close, you have a gut feeling like, “Yes! I know whatever I want will soon manifest in physical reality!” 

You don’t know why you get such a feeling, but you anyhow trust your gut and the universe. Also, you act instantly without any second thought whenever you get a strong urge from within to do something. 

Let me share my experience here. I strongly desired to work under established writers as a freelance content writer. 

One fine day, on Instagram, I saw a post of an established writer looking for experienced writers. Though inexperienced, I got this gut feeling that I’d be selected and applied for the position. 

And guess what? I got hired! It was a turning point in my freelancing journey.

10. You Feel Hot and Cold Flashes.

A guy happy at one moment but extremely sad at another.

Do you feel on cloud nine one moment and down in the dumps at the other? 

Yes? Wow! That’s a good sign, my friend. 

These sudden hot and cold flashes are here because your manifestation is coming to life sooner than expected! 

You go through these emotional ups and downs because you experience an energy shift within you. Further, your body and soul align to your higher vibrations as your energy shifts. 

As already told, your manifestation abilities get heightened when you vibrate at high energy. So whenever you have hot and cold flashes, be ready to see your dreams come true. 

11. Universe Throws Challenges in Your Way.

A guy going through rough path and challenges.

Here’s the thing: You might face multiple challenges when your manifestation is about to become real. 

Do you know why? 

It’s because the universe wants to test you, my dear. It wants to see whether you deserve what you want. 

Secondly, by throwing challenges your way, the universe wants to give you another chance to think about whether what you want is right for you. If not, you can back off from the wrong path and change your course. 

If you’re ready to hang in there and are sure about your dreams, the universe will acknowledge it, and your manifestations will come true.

12. You Start Seeing Your Desire Everywhere.

Imagine you’re dreaming vividly about owning a car with a particular model, brand, and color for so many days. 

As you visualize more about your car, you start seeing them everywhere. Be it on TV, in the newspaper, hoardings, or riding on the streets out of nowhere.

How does this happen? You may ask. Well, my dear friend, this is how the universe shows that your manifestation is about to bring results. It also intends to strengthen your willpower to own that car. 

The universe’s process is magical! You know? 

13. You Take Inspired Actions Towards Your Goals.

Clarity + Alignment + Action = Manifestation

When you trust the universe and listen to your intuition, you get clarity on fulfilling your desires. Once you get the clarity, your thoughts and actions align. Hence, you feel an urge to take actions that lead you to achieve your goals. 

Also, did you know these urges are a push from the cosmic world to make you act instantly without any doubt? Yes, my dear friend, this is how the universe works!

Once you take the necessary action, you bounce off the wall, and the butterflies in your stomach tell you your manifestation is on the way. 

Action that is inspired from aligned thoughts is joyful action.

~Abraham Hicks

Wrapping Up

I hope the above-given signs will help you know whether your manifestation is coming to life. 

The truth is that the universe guides every person on this planet, but only a few can acknowledge the signs. You must trust your intuition and believe in miracles to experience the universe’s magic. 

As it is rightly said, 

Know your magic, trust your magic, use your magic, and know that you’re a manifestation of life’s magic.

~Rasheed Ogunlaru



Megha Kadam

Megha Kadam

Megha Kadam is a passionate spiritual content writer who loves to dive deep into the spiritual world.

Also, being in the tarot profession for more than a decade, she believes her content can inspire, heal, and uplift the soul of the readers.

Other than writing and reading tarot cards for her close ones, Megha loves cooking and playing with children which keeps her inย highย spirits!


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