How To Manifest Someone: 7 Easy Steps That Actually Work

Updated On:

Jul 05, 2024

Is there a specific person that you want to have in your life? Check out these 7 steps on how to manifest someone and turn them into reality!

Adorable Couple Who Knew How to Manifest Someone So They Manifested Each Other

Have you ever wanted to reconnect with someone from your past or establish a new special connection? Whether it’s a friend, family member, or colleague, bringing someone into your life can feel magical.

In this post, I’ll show you how to use intention, positive thought, and the power of attraction to draw any person to you. Think of it as relationship manifesting with a mystical twist!

These 7 steps to manifest someone will open you up to new and rekindled connections. I’ve used this process unintentionally in my own life and received incredible results. People I had given up on hearing from reached out, and new relationships bloomed.

Get ready to attract connections as I guide you to manifest that person you have in mind!

7 Super-Effective Steps to Manifest Someone

Here’s an effective 7-step process that will help you attract someone into your life:-  

1. Tweak Your Mind. Tweak Your Vibes.

Tweak Your Brain. Tweak Your Vibes.

Let me ask you:-“where does manifestation start from?”

From the mind, right?

But what if your mind is full of unnecessary thoughts, negativity, and terrible emotions?
Manifestation won’t work!

So, the first step you need to perform while learning how to manifest someone is to declutter your mind.
You have to empty all the trash in your mind that might become an obstacle in your manifestation journey.

But how can you optimize your mind?
The answer is simple. You have to improve your control over “what’s already in it” and “what comes into it.”
To achieve better control over your mind, you can practice gratitude, meditation, yoga, mindfulness activities, etc.

Once you’ve completed decluttering your mind, you have to focus on boosting your vibrational energy because positive vibes play a vital role in manifestation. When you start vibrating at higher levels, you send signals to the universe that you’re ready to receive a specific person into your life.

To raise your vibrations, you can try the following methods:-

  • Spend some time in nature’s magnificence.
  • Help someone.
  • Spend meaningful time with friends and family.
  • Let go of anything that hampers you or your emotions.
  • Eat nourishing food.
  • Surround yourself with friends that uplift you.

2. Figure Out Who’s That Person for You.

Is it possible to manifest into your life if you haven’t decided the definition of that person?

Of course, not!

So, in the next step, you have to describe the kind of person you truly want to manifest.

Further, You have to be specific as much as you can. You can ask yourself questions like:-

  • What is the type of relationship that you want to manifest?
  • What does the other person look like?
  • How does the person smell?
  • How does the person dress?
  • What qualities are you looking for in that person?

Ensure to include your every desire because the universe will take care of anything you would leave “undescribed.”

When you’ve finished the practice, write down all your desires in a journal so that nothing skips your mind when you have to recall those desires every day.

Everything you’ve done just now will help you inform the universe about the requirements it has to fulfill.

3. Clarify Your Intentions. Cleanse Your Faith.

When you’re manifesting a specific person, you need to have clear intentions behind your desire. 

In other words, you have to figure out your “why.” Why do you even want to manifest that person? 

Are you manifesting them for selfish reasons or do you really want build a profound connection with them?

When you back your manifestation with “positive intentions,” you raise your vibrations because of which you attract good people into your life. However, when you manifest with “negative intentions,” you attract the wrong people into your life.

So, if you truly want to manifest the right person, make sure your intentions are free from selfish reasons and more focused on radiating and receiving love.

Besides achieving clarity of intentions, you must have complete faith in the process of manifestation. Stop worrying about how or when it will happen and have “simple faith.”

You must realize that you’re the creator of your desires, and if you don’t believe in something, it can’t become true.

4. Envision.

A Guy Lying Under the Tree Visualizing His Dream Partner

In the fourth step, you have to visualize how you would feel if that person manifested right now.

Allow yourself to immerse in your imagination and fully enjoy the moment. You can imagine situations such as:-

  • How would that person contribute to your life for good?
  • What would it be like to have them by your side?

Finally, you can even choose to write down these incredible feelings in your journal.

5. Program Your Subconscious.

We all know it. Our subconscious mind is extremely powerful!

So, wouldn’t it be fantastic if you could train your subconscious mind to help you out in manifesting a specific person? It will help you recall your manifestations, keep your energies aligned, and raise your vibrations when required.

The best way to train your subconscious is to write down your manifestations on paper. Further, keep the “manifestations paper” on your desk or a place where you can see it a few times a day.

In this way, the manifestation will always stay in the back of your head even when you’re working, which would increase its power and intensity.

Don’t keep looking at your manifestations intentionally for the whole day. Otherwise, you’ll get over-obsessed with it, which will lead to unnecessary stress and anxiety.

6. Align Your Actions.

A Guy Who Was Able to Meet His Dream Partner Because He Aligned His Actions With Manifestation

You already know extremely well that you can’t achieve anything without taking action. 

The same applies to manifestation.

Manifestation will help you reach halfway on the journey to meet a specific person. For example, in an online dating app, you’ll get a lot more matches. Your old friends might try contacting you through social media. Or you might meet a new person in the canteen area of your office.

Please don’t ignore these signals because they represent that the universe is working in your favor to make your manifestations come true.

Once you start receiving these signs, don’t just keep sitting idle and expect someone to approach you begging for a connection. Instead, grab every opportunity and meet as many people as possible.

7. Let It Go.

Finally, you’ve completed all the steps of manifestation. Your vibrations are high and energies aligned with desires.

It’s time to surrender yourself to the universe and let the magic happen.

Get rid of the excessive boundaries from your manifestation. For example, don’t expect your “specific person” to enter your life within one week or one month. Or don’t expect the person to meet you the way you’ve chosen them to meet you.

Allow the universe itself to decide a few things for you. Maybe, you will get to meet someone much better than your expectations, someone you never expected.

Have patience because sooner or later, it will happen!   

Is Manifesting Someone Wrong?

In most cases, there’s nothing wrong with manifesting someone. In fact, you might even attract someone better than who you wanted.

It only becomes wrong when you manifest someone with bad intentions or against their will. For instance, it’s absolutely wrong to manifest someone as your partner who’s already in a happy relationship.

How To Know if Someone Is Manifesting You?

How To Know if Someone Is Manifesting You

There could be two types of people manifesting you:-

  • The first person could be someone who isn’t there in your life yet, but their energies and values align with yours.
  • The second person could be someone who already knows you.  

These are the 17 signs you shouldn’t ignore that indicate someone is manifesting you:- 

When the Person Manifesting You Is “Unknown” Right Now

1. There’s an unobvious and sudden appearance of a person in your life. For example, you met someone in your neighborhood park and felt comfortable with them.

2. You feel like there’s someone constantly pulling you towards them like a magnet.

3. Something feels missing and incomplete from your life.

4. You have a strong desire to be accompanied.

5. You dream about your ideal partner a lot more often.

6. Your emotional turbulence is all-time high!

7. The universe is giving you signals through nature. For example, you see feathers, dogs, ladybugs, or doves more than usual. Or you might even observe sequence numbers all around you, for example, whenever you look at the watch, it shows 9:9 or 10:10.  

8. Even if you were hurt excruciatingly in past relationships, you’ve suddenly decided to move on and give someone else a chance.

9. You’ve started doing things you hated before. For example, you’ve started using Instagram even when you once hated social media.

When the Person Manifesting You Is Already There in Your Life

10. You observe a change in the other person’s behavior.

11. You feel the need to talk to them.

12. You start craving their company.

13. You can’t get their thoughts out of your head.

14. Your friends discuss about them with you.

15. You’re able to see them clearly in the crowd.

16. It feels as if they’re always around you.

17. You feel the necessity to improve yourself on the spiritual journey.

End of the Line

“Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis is exactly what you will experience in your life.”

~Tony Robbins

Manifesting the people you want into your life is an exhilarating process! As you raise your vibration, let go of attachments, and clearly visualize the connections you desire, you’ll notice new doors opening.

Stay positive and patient with yourself and the process. Some people may come into your life quickly, while others take more time to attradct. Know that the Universe has your back and wants to support you.

I hope these 7 steps will help you manifest the person you’ve been looking for! Whether you want to call in old friends, attract new budding relationships, or attract “the one,” you now have accessible tools.

Go out and shine your beautiful light as you manifest wonderful people in your life!



Varun Pahwa

Varun Pahwa

Hey there! I’m Varun, founder of I’m committed to helping people through relationship problems and general life issues so they never feel alone.

While not blogging, you’ll find me lifting weights, spending time in solitude, seeking life’s answers or enjoying time with close ones.

Join me on Uprisehigh and just like a close friend, you’ll find me by your side on every step of your life journey!


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